• Презентации
  • Презентация учащихся 8в класса, Симкиной Екатерины и Кочневой Марии к уроку английского языка на тему Произведения Вильяма Шекспира в экранизациях Советского кинематографа

Презентация учащихся 8в класса, Симкиной Екатерины и Кочневой Марии к уроку английского языка на тему Произведения Вильяма Шекспира в экранизациях Советского кинематографа

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Shakespeare's Cinematography In the USSR Mary Kochneva Kate Simkina Superviso...
Shakespeare's Cinematography In the USSR Mary Kochneva Kate Simkina Superviso...
"Watch Out For The Automobile" 1966
"Watch Out For The Automobile" 1966
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
"Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona?"
"Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona?"
"To be, or not to be, that is a question." "For never was a story Of more woe...
"To be, or not to be, that is a question." "For never was a story Of more woe...
There are about 760 screen versions of Shakespeare's works
There are about 760 screen versions of Shakespeare's works
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Do you know the number of TVs in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century?...
Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953)
Sergei Prokofiev (1891-1953)
Galina Ulanova In the role of Juliet in 1954
Galina Ulanova In the role of Juliet in 1954
About 19 TV plays and film-operas were filmed
About 19 TV plays and film-operas were filmed
It is like going to the theatre and sitting on the sofa at home at the same t...
It is like going to the theatre and sitting on the sofa at home at the same t...
"Hamlet"-the first full-length Film - 1964
"Hamlet"-the first full-length Film - 1964
"The King Lear" 1971
"The King Lear" 1971
Now we can see increase of the interest to the playwright
Now we can see increase of the interest to the playwright
"All the world is a stage and all the men and the women are merely players" -...
"All the world is a stage and all the men and the women are merely players" -...
Shakespeare is still with us! Thank you for your attention
Shakespeare is still with us! Thank you for your attention

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