- Презентации
- Презентация: Моя любимая программа (9 класс)
Презентация: Моя любимая программа (9 класс)
Автор публикации: Дедловская Г.А.
Дата публикации: 15.04.2016
Краткое описание:
Here are some lines of words. In each line there is one different word. Your task is to find them.
gkycartoonkioyv nsdocumentaryp
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
schatoshowlfode digfsoapsodkrtbc
lkcommercialkise satellitesounhftdo
iotbroadcastirfsgi fthrillerkyoegdfsl
weatheroforecast uordichannelpque
cartoon documentary chat show soaps commercial satellite broadcast thriller weather forecast channel
Answer my questions 1. What is the most popular leisure activity among teenages? 2. You are fond of reading, aren’t you? 3. We can’t watch TV programmes from other countries, can we? 4. Do you often watch TV? 5. Are there a lot of children’s programmes on our TV channels? 6. What programme did you watch yesterday? Did you like it?
Let’s name and speak about all kinds of programmes. I 1. It is a programme in which famous people talk about themselves and answer questions about their lives, opinions etc.
2. It is a film , espetially a story for children that is made by photographing a series of drawings,so that they seem to move. 3. It is a television programme about wild animals and plants.
4. It is a television story about a group of people and their lives, which is broadcast for many years. 5. That programme gives you facts and information about a serious subject, such as history, science or social programme.
True or False? 1 There is no doubt that TV helps us to learn more about the world, to know and see many new things. 2 TV can make us passive. We don’t have to think and our brains become lazy.
3 TV presents information to us in a more effective way than books. It’s an enjoyable way to relax. TV informs, educates and it’s good company for people who live alone. 4 It eats up time.
5 To my mind TV brings us closer to other people, and helps us to cope with everyday life. 6 But I personally think there is too much violence on TV. It makes people especially children cruel and violent themselves.
7Nobody makes you to watch TV. If you don’t like it switch off your TV set. 8 Really TV has both advantages and disadvantages and it’s up to us to decide how to use it.
VI. Аудирование. Now I want you to listen to some infomaition. Listen to some of the expressions and write them down in two columns: positive attitude - negative attitude.
too serious - слишком серьёзно it s fun – это смешно it s wacky - сумасшедший it s rubbish- ерунда dull and annoying – скучно и занудно
great - здорово it s like no other show – не похоже ни на одно другое шоу garbage - хлам very interesting- очень интересно
it s live and I like it – очень жизненно и мне нравится no suspense – не волнует silly – глупо.
Everybody has his own favourite programme. Be ready to tell some words about your preferences. You are welcome!
And I d like to know your opinion about the lesson