Презентация к уроку английского языка A rain forest

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A rain forest
A rain forest
An orchid
An orchid
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A water lily
A water lily
A pitcher plant
A pitcher plant
A rose
A rose
A sunflower
A sunflower
What can you see in a rain forest? A pitcher plant A sunflower
What can you see in a rain forest? A pitcher plant A sunflower
What can you see in a rain forest? A rose A water lily
What can you see in a rain forest? A rose A water lily
What can you see in a rain forest? An orchid A sunflower
What can you see in a rain forest? An orchid A sunflower
What do you like?
What do you like?
A rain forest This is a photo of a rain forest. The weather is hot and wet. T...
A rain forest This is a photo of a rain forest. The weather is hot and wet. The trees are green and very tall. Some trees are seventy metres tall! The leaves are very thick. Many animals and birds can live in the trees. Small plants like orchids can live on the trees, too. We can also see pitcher plants and water lilies. But we can’t see sunflowers and roses in the rain forest. Once there were a lot of rain forests. Now they aren’t many.
What is the weather in the rain forest like? The weather is hot and wet.
What is the weather in the rain forest like? The weather is hot and wet.
Are the trees short or tall? The trees are tall.
Are the trees short or tall? The trees are tall.
Are the leaves thick or thin? The leaves are thick.
Are the leaves thick or thin? The leaves are thick.
Who can live in the trees? Many animals and birds can live in the trees.
Who can live in the trees? Many animals and birds can live in the trees.
What plants can you see in the rain forest? I can see orchids, pitcher plant...
What plants can you see in the rain forest? I can see orchids, pitcher plants and water lilies in the rain forest.
What can’t you see in the rain forest? I can’t see sunflowers and roses in t...
What can’t you see in the rain forest? I can’t see sunflowers and roses in the rain forest.
Let’s have a rest The trees are tall The water lilies are small We can see a...
Let’s have a rest The trees are tall The water lilies are small We can see a pitcher plant We must run

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