Презентация к открытому уроку моя семья

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” What are the words?” mo ther sis ter fa fa un ter daugh mily grand ther mo...
” What are the words?” mo ther sis ter fa fa un ter daugh mily grand ther mother cle
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[ :c ] - or, your, daughter [ a: ] - are, father, grandfather, aunt [ v ] so...
[ :c ] - or, your, daughter [ a: ] - are, father, grandfather, aunt [ v ] son, mother, grandmother, love Mr. Smith has got a son. Mrs. Abb has got a daughter. Mother, father, sister, brother, Hand in hand with one another.
Make up sentences using these words. 1. got, mother, a, has, Kate. __________...
Make up sentences using these words. 1. got, mother, a, has, Kate. ______________ 2. you, Have, family, a got? _______________ 3. is, My, family, big. _____________________ 4. have, I, got, a, brother. _________________ Excellent!
Complete the sentences Maria is Sofa’s……. Boris is Sofa’s ……… Kolya is Sofa’s...
Complete the sentences Maria is Sofa’s……. Boris is Sofa’s ……… Kolya is Sofa’s ……… Victoria is Sofa’s …… brother grandfather. mother. cousin
Match the names with the words in the right column. Ira Boris Angelina Zhora...
Match the names with the words in the right column. Ira Boris Angelina Zhora Victoria Evgenij Maria Mother Cousin Father Grandmother Brother Cousin Grandfather

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