- Презентации
- Презентация по английскому языку Суффиксация в английском языке
Презентация по английскому языку Суффиксация в английском языке
Автор публикации: Павленко В.А.
Дата публикации: 09.11.2016
Краткое описание:
English is in the process of constant changes Павленко Валентина Александровна МАОУ «СОШ № 4», г. Ялуторовск
Foreign languages in my life
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The aim of my work is to analyze word formation in Modern English
METHODS theoretical methods – reading, choosing and analyzing literature. practical methods – making a survey of data. communicative methods – a) talks with my parents, friends and classmates, b) sociological surveys of my friends and classmates.
Suffixes usually change the word class of the base word! Suffixes survive - survival, arrive - arrival, try - trial... combine - combination, accuse - accusation, image - imagination... employ - employment, move - movement, arrange – arrangement... work - worker, sing - singer, win - winner... carry - carriage, use - usage, pack - package... perform - performance, insure - insurance, entry – entrance, differ – difference, prefer - preference... Noun formation -al -ation -ment -er -age -ance/ -ence
national - nationality, feminine - femininity, curious - curiosity... Noun formation -ity king - kingdom, free - freedom, wise - wisdom... -hood dark - darkness, fit - fitness, weak - weakness... -ness neighbour - neighbourhood, man - manhood, parent - parenthood... -dom relation - relationship, friend - friendship, champion - championship... -ship novel – novelist, art - artist, piano - pianist... -ist actor – actress, prince - princess, waiter - waitress... - ess true - truth, grow- growth, weigh – weight... -th/ -t study - student, serve - servant, assist - assistant... -ant/ ent
Adjective formation care - careful, beauty - beautiful, delight - delightful... -y tall - tallish, dark - darkish, green - greenish... -ish sleep - sleepy, rain - rainy, fun - funny... -ful use - useless, shame - shameless, hair - hairless... -less electric – electrical, nation - national, emotion - emotional... -al fame – famous, fury - furious, poison - poisonous... -ous create – creative, attract - attractive, act - active... -ive accept - acceptable, agree - agreeable, access - accessible... -able/ ible
Verb formation -en identity - identify, solid - solidify, example - exemplify... apology - apologise, tranquil - tranquilise, sympathy - sympathise... -ise/ -ize -ify regular - regulate, circular - circulate, domestic - domesticate... -ate deep - deepen, wide - widen, short - shorten...