Автор публикации: ЛИТВИНОВА С.Л.
Дата публикации: 08.06.2016
Краткое описание:
![Chinese civilization Prepared: Geyer Evgeny, a pupil of the 10 th form school...]()
Chinese civilization Prepared: Geyer Evgeny, a pupil of the 10 th form school № 9 together with the English teacher Litvinova Svetlana Leonidovna Novocherkassk 2015
![The Chinese civilization — one of the oldest in the world. According to state...]()
The Chinese civilization — one of the oldest in the world. According to statements of the Chinese scientists, its age can make five thousand years, thus the available written sources cover the period not less than 3500 years.
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![Inventions China is the homeland of one of the most considerable inventions o...]()
Inventions China is the homeland of one of the most considerable inventions of a human civilization, including four great inventions of Ancient China: papers, compass, gunpowder, publishing.
![The Chinese culture is one of the most ancient. The earliest monuments of cul...]()
The Chinese culture is one of the most ancient. The earliest monuments of culture found in the territory of China belong to V-III thousand BC.
![The Middle Ages the Chinese civilization endured transition from antiquity by...]()
The Middle Ages the Chinese civilization endured transition from antiquity by the Middle Ages imperceptibly, without global transformations and destructions of all bases as it was in the West. Moreover, medieval China in many respects reminded China ancient. But changes nevertheless happened. The Middle Ages in China, in effect, began much earlier, than in Europe.
![Конфуций и его учение Confucianism is called often religion, but in it initia...]()
Конфуций и его учение Confucianism is called often religion, but in it initially there is no institute of church, and theology questions arent important for it. Confucian ethics arent religious. An ideal of Confucianism is creation of harmonious society on an ancient sample in which any personality has the function. Harmonious society is constructed on idea of devotion (Zhong, 忠) — loyalty in the relation between the chief and subordinated, the harmony directed on preservation and the most this society. Confucius formulated a golden rule of ethics: Dont do to the person of what you dont wish yourself.
![Modern times At the end of the XVIII century the Tsinsky empire in comparison...]()
Modern times At the end of the XVIII century the Tsinsky empire in comparison with the developed capitalist countries of Europe and USA remained the backward agrarian country, though with very productive (to medieval measures) the agriculture surpassing craft production in respect of labor productivity. Feudal tsinsky society of the middle of the XIX century received from the past almost untouched freight of the stagnated Confucian traditions, medieval institutes, the social and economic relations. All production life of the country country was based upon domination of manual skills.
![Opium war In April, 1839 China stopped trade with foreigners, blocked trading...]()
Opium war In April, 1839 China stopped trade with foreigners, blocked trading stations of English merchants, confiscated and in June, 1840 destroyed to 1200 t of opium. The English government, having used it, untied (without declaration of war) military operations against China. The Anglo-Chinese war 1840-1842gg began (the first opium war).
![Modern China Now China actively develops.]()
Modern China Now China actively develops.