Презентация на тему Ночь Бернса в Шотландии

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Краткое описание: Каждый год 25 января во всем мире шотланцы, и не только они, отмечают день рождения национального поэта Шотландии Роберта Бернса. В эту ночь произносят речи, читают стихи и предлагают тоcты в честь самого замечательного поэта, родившегося в Шотландии, и величайшего английск

Burns Night
Burns Night
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Scottish poet, famous overworld. He wrote his poems, songs and lyrics mainly...
Scottish poet, famous overworld. He wrote his poems, songs and lyrics mainly...
His Life Burns started writing poems at the age of seventeen. At just 27, Bur...
His Life Burns started writing poems at the age of seventeen. At just 27, Bur...
Burns`s cottage. Alloway
Burns`s cottage. Alloway
My heart`s in the Highlands The hills of the Highlands
My heart`s in the Highlands The hills of the Highlands
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go
Hard physical labour on the family farm took its toll on the young Burns, who...
Hard physical labour on the family farm took its toll on the young Burns, who...
It was a room in this wee house in 1788 that Robert Burns and his new wife Je...
It was a room in this wee house in 1788 that Robert Burns and his new wife Je...
In 1795, Burns was inspired by the events of the French Revolution to write "...
In 1795, Burns was inspired by the events of the French Revolution to write "...
Burns died in 1796 of rheumatic fever. He was buried in the churchyard of St....
Burns died in 1796 of rheumatic fever. He was buried in the churchyard of St....
Burns supper Five years after Robert Burns died, a group of his friends got t...
Burns supper Five years after Robert Burns died, a group of his friends got t...
The Selkirk Grace Some have meat and cannot eat, And some would like to eat b...
The Selkirk Grace Some have meat and cannot eat, And some would like to eat b...
Supper begins with a soup course (often the Scottish favourite Cock-A-Leekie...
Supper begins with a soup course (often the Scottish favourite Cock-A-Leekie...
The haggis is eaten with mashed tatties and neeps (potatoes and turnip). Then...
The haggis is eaten with mashed tatties and neeps (potatoes and turnip). Then...
After dinner there will be a toast to the Queen, and one of the guests will g...
After dinner there will be a toast to the Queen, and one of the guests will g...
Guests will take turns reading Burns poems, singing Burns songs and possibly...
Guests will take turns reading Burns poems, singing Burns songs and possibly...
The party will close with everyone singing Auld Lang Syne Highland dancing at...
The party will close with everyone singing Auld Lang Syne Highland dancing at...
The End Thank you for your attention
The End Thank you for your attention

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