- Презентации
- Презентация на тему Ночь Бернса в Шотландии
Презентация на тему Ночь Бернса в Шотландии
Автор публикации: Лындина Г.И.
Дата публикации: 24.07.2016
Краткое описание: Каждый год 25 января во всем мире шотланцы, и не только они, отмечают день рождения национального поэта Шотландии Роберта Бернса. В эту ночь произносят речи, читают стихи и предлагают тоcты в честь самого замечательного поэта, родившегося в Шотландии, и величайшего английск
![Burns Night]()
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![Scottish poet, famous overworld. He wrote his poems, songs and lyrics mainly...]()
Scottish poet, famous overworld. He wrote his poems, songs and lyrics mainly...
![His Life Burns started writing poems at the age of seventeen. At just 27, Bur...]()
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![My heart`s in the Highlands The hills of the Highlands]()
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My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer
![My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go]()
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go
![Hard physical labour on the family farm took its toll on the young Burns, who...]()
Hard physical labour on the family farm took its toll on the young Burns, who...
![It was a room in this wee house in 1788 that Robert Burns and his new wife Je...]()
It was a room in this wee house in 1788 that Robert Burns and his new wife Je...
![In 1795, Burns was inspired by the events of the French Revolution to write "...]()
In 1795, Burns was inspired by the events of the French Revolution to write "...
![Burns died in 1796 of rheumatic fever. He was buried in the churchyard of St....]()
Burns died in 1796 of rheumatic fever. He was buried in the churchyard of St....
![Burns supper Five years after Robert Burns died, a group of his friends got t...]()
Burns supper Five years after Robert Burns died, a group of his friends got t...
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![Supper begins with a soup course (often the Scottish favourite Cock-A-Leekie...]()
Supper begins with a soup course (often the Scottish favourite Cock-A-Leekie...
![The haggis is eaten with mashed tatties and neeps (potatoes and turnip). Then...]()
The haggis is eaten with mashed tatties and neeps (potatoes and turnip). Then...
![After dinner there will be a toast to the Queen, and one of the guests will g...]()
After dinner there will be a toast to the Queen, and one of the guests will g...
![Guests will take turns reading Burns poems, singing Burns songs and possibly...]()
Guests will take turns reading Burns poems, singing Burns songs and possibly...
![The party will close with everyone singing Auld Lang Syne Highland dancing at...]()
The party will close with everyone singing Auld Lang Syne Highland dancing at...
![The End Thank you for your attention]()
The End Thank you for your attention