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  • Презентация по английскому языку по теме Семья (6 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку по теме Семья (6 класс)

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Краткое описание: Презентация к уроку по программе М.З.Биболетовой. Служит дополнительным материалом для урока по теме "Семья" Unit 7 . Презентация предназначена для учащихся 6 класса. Содержит текст для чтения "An Unusual Evening" и задания к тексту (нахождение соответствия и составление предложений).

READ THE TEXT. AN UNUSUAL EVENING. It was five o'clock in the afternoon when...
READ THE TEXT. AN UNUSUAL EVENING. It was five o'clock in the afternoon when...
Then Father came home. "Where is Misha?" he asked. "He went to the shop with...
Then Father came home. "Where is Misha?" he asked. "He went to the shop with...
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Half an hour passed. "It's already dark. Why hasn't Misha come back? What's t...
Half an hour passed. "It's already dark. Why hasn't Misha come back? What's t...
An hour passed. Then the door opened and Misha came in.
An hour passed. Then the door opened and Misha came in.
"Mum, dear, I am very sorry I am late. It’s very cold outside and I couldn’t...
"Mum, dear, I am very sorry I am late. It’s very cold outside and I couldn’t...
“So that's why I'm late. Please excuse me. Will you allow me to bring it home?"
“So that's why I'm late. Please excuse me. Will you allow me to bring it home?"
"Certainly, my boy," said Mother. And the kitten became a happy member of Mis...
"Certainly, my boy," said Mother. And the kitten became a happy member of Mis...
Match the questions and the answers: At what time did the mother come? Who la...
Match the questions and the answers: At what time did the mother come? Who la...
Match and make up sentences went to buy bread didn’t come in time came home a...
Match and make up sentences went to buy bread didn’t come in time came home a...
came home at 5 laid the table was nervous wasn’t angry allowed to bring the k...
came home at 5 laid the table was nervous wasn’t angry allowed to bring the k...
asked about Misha
asked about Misha
was cold and hungry
was cold and hungry

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