From Table III we can see the list of the most favorite pets, the most widespread names, the most popular of getting the pet and the best qualities of the pet’s character. TABLE III The List Of The Most… The mostfavouritepet The most widespread name The most popular way of getting The best qualities of pet’s character A cat Kuzya,Dusya,Vintik, Gosha,Murka,Styopa, Felix,Timosha It was given by friends, It wasa present for birthday, It was found, Kindness Playful mood Devotion Friendliness Prankishness Faithfulness Ability to enjoy life A dog Pirate,Bim, Rocky, Alfa,Lika, Jack, Ray, Graf,Sharik, Tarzan It was a present from parents, It was found, It was taken from friends, Cheerfulness Stillness Kindness devotion A parrot Kesha,Dila, Elvin,Yanush,Foma It was a present talkativeness A hamster Masya It was bought in Vladivostok Cheerfulness Playful mood