• Презентации
  • Презентация к уроку английского языка для 6 класса по теме: «Здоровье. На приеме у врача».

Презентация к уроку английского языка для 6 класса по теме: «Здоровье. На приеме у врача».

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At the Doctor’s.
At the Doctor’s.
At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading
At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
She has a running nose.
She has a running nose.
He has a toothache.
He has a toothache.
He has a sore throat.
He has a sore throat.
She has a stomach ache.
She has a stomach ache.
She has a fever.
She has a fever.
She has a splitting headache.
She has a splitting headache.
She has an allergy.
She has an allergy.
She has a cough.
She has a cough.
She has a rash.
She has a rash.
He has a backache.
He has a backache.
The Pronoun (местоимение). Personal(личные). Личные в объектном падеже (кого?...
The Pronoun (местоимение). Personal(личные). Личные в объектном падеже (кого?кому? чему?). Possessive(притяжательные ). Притяжательные в абсолютной форме. I me my mine he him his his she her her hers it it its its We us our ours you you your yours they them their theirs
Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun. A: Do you brothers play football?...
Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun. A: Do you brothers play football? B: Yes, …… play …… all the time. A: Does Susan eat chocolate? B: Yes, …… eats …… all the time. 3. A: Do your parents know Mr Jones? B: Yes, …… know …… very well. …… lives next door to ……. A: Does Claire like David? B: No, …… doesn’t like …… very much. ……. says ……is too noisy. they it it she they him He them she him She he
Symptom Prescription headache don’t carry heavy things. cold take some anti-a...
Symptom Prescription headache don’t carry heavy things. cold take some anti-allergic medicines. backache drink warm milk with butter and honey. cough take a 15 minutes walk. toothache don’t eat sweets and go to the dentist. allergy stay at home, keep warm, drink a lot of fluids.
At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading
At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading
Home work: p. 239-240 ex. 19 (retelling) *** crossword (p. 203, p. 216, p. 22...
Home work: p. 239-240 ex. 19 (retelling) *** crossword (p. 203, p. 216, p. 228) Use only English and be creative!

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