- Презентации
- Презентация к уроку английского языка для 6 класса по теме: «Здоровье. На приеме у врача».
Презентация к уроку английского языка для 6 класса по теме: «Здоровье. На приеме у врача».
Автор публикации: Шерстобитова Е.Н.
Дата публикации: 05.04.2016
Краткое описание:
![At the Doctor’s.]()
![At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading]()
At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
![She has a running nose.]()
![He has a toothache.]()
![He has a sore throat.]()
![She has a stomach ache.]()
![She has a fever.]()
![She has a splitting headache.]()
She has a splitting headache.
![She has an allergy.]()
![She has a cough.]()
![She has a rash.]()
![He has a backache.]()
![The Pronoun (местоимение). Personal(личные). Личные в объектном падеже (кого?...]()
The Pronoun (местоимение). Personal(личные). Личные в объектном падеже (кого?кому? чему?). Possessive(притяжательные ). Притяжательные в абсолютной форме. I me my mine he him his his she her her hers it it its its We us our ours you you your yours they them their theirs
![Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun. A: Do you brothers play football?...]()
Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun. A: Do you brothers play football? B: Yes, …… play …… all the time. A: Does Susan eat chocolate? B: Yes, …… eats …… all the time. 3. A: Do your parents know Mr Jones? B: Yes, …… know …… very well. …… lives next door to ……. A: Does Claire like David? B: No, …… doesn’t like …… very much. ……. says ……is too noisy. they it it she they him He them she him She he
![Symptom Prescription headache don’t carry heavy things. cold take some anti-a...]()
Symptom Prescription headache don’t carry heavy things. cold take some anti-allergic medicines. backache drink warm milk with butter and honey. cough take a 15 minutes walk. toothache don’t eat sweets and go to the dentist. allergy stay at home, keep warm, drink a lot of fluids.
![At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading]()
At the Doctor’s. words (lexics) grammar listening writing speaking reading
![Home work: p. 239-240 ex. 19 (retelling) *** crossword (p. 203, p. 216, p. 22...]()
Home work: p. 239-240 ex. 19 (retelling) *** crossword (p. 203, p. 216, p. 228) Use only English and be creative!