- Презентации
- Презентация по методике преподавания английского языка на тему Традиционные формы диктанта в новом контексте формирования УУД
Презентация по методике преподавания английского языка на тему Традиционные формы диктанта в новом контексте формирования УУД
Автор публикации: Крутоус А.А.
Дата публикации: 28.08.2016
Краткое описание:
Традиционные формы диктанта в новом контексте формирования УУД Крутоус А.А. ГБОУ школа №645 Пушкинского р-на 2016 год
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Письмо научить письменно выражать собственные мысли на иностранном языке. Научить письму означает научить графике и каллиграфии, пунктуации и орфографии. Отработать написание иностранных слов помогают следующие методы: копирование отдельных фраз/текста, группировка, орфографические игры (загадки, кроссворды) и диктанты, которые относятся к средству педагогического контроля.
Диктант (от лат. dicto - диктую) - один из видов письменных работ для закрепления и проверки знаний и тренировки навыков учащихся в области письма.
Преимущества диктантов: -ученики проявляют активность во время диктанта - диктанты-это путь к устной коммуникативной деятельности -они полезны в группах учащихся с разными способностями -можно проводить в группах с разным количеством учеников ( даже в больших группах !) - надежный метод использования только иностранного языка(если учитель ставит такую цель) - существуют разнообразные формы его проведения - материал для диктантов легко приспосабливаемый к разным этапам урока, лексическому или грамматическому материалу и т.д.
Диктовать может как учитель, так и ученик. Отбирать материал для диктанта можно поручить любому ученику класса. Длина текста диктанта различная- одно слово, группа слов, отрывок текста, высказывание и др. Проверку выполненных работ может проводить учитель, ученики( самоконтроль, взаимоконтроль).
Диктант имеет большие возможности для обучения творческому письму. Виды современных диктантов: репродуктивный индивидуальный творческий парный творческий коллективный творческий
Репродуктивный диктант – это буквальная запись под диктовку с целью проверки понимания на слух и правописания.
Индивидуальный творческий диктант выполняется как письменное произведение речи объемом не более 150 слов: описание предъявленной картинки рассуждение по поводу предложенного тезиса ответ на поставленный вопрос
Парный или коллективный творческий диктант может проходить следующим образом: двум учащимся (двум группам учащихся) предлагаются в случайном порядке картинки, иллюстрирующие один из двух рассказов, задача ученика заключается в том, чтобы расположить картинки в правильной последовательности, написать рассказ и продиктовать партнеру (партнерам), после этого партнеры восстанавливают порядок картинок друг у друга и проверяют правильность записанного диктанта.
Формы коллективного творческого диктанта: вместе нарисовать на доске картину (первый элемент рисует учитель), коллективно создать описание этой картины и попытаться как можно подробнее записать его в виде самодиктанта составить план или резюме услышанного извлечь из текста ключевые слова (заданного количества) Возможен диктант в виде записи «телефонограммы» в форме игры в «испорченный телефон»
Типы традиционных диктантов: слуховой зрительный объяснительный предупредительный
Picture dictation ( Listening Drawing Speaking
Scrambled dictation Andy: Welcome back, John! How was your holiday? John: Dont ask! It was the worst holiday Ive ever had. Andy: In the Caribbean? John: Yes. So many things went wrong! Andy: Like what? John: Well, for a start my friend left his passport at home. We had to go home and fetch it, so we missed our flight! Andy: Oh no, how terrible! So what did you do? John: Well, we caught the next flight ... Which was delayed ... and then to make matters worse the airline lost my luggage. Andy: Oh dear! Surely things were a bit better when you got there. John: I wish! It rained every day! No one told us we were going in the rainy season! Andy: What an absolute nightmare! Oh well, try to look on the bright side - its not safe to get a suntan these days anyway! John: Huh! Ill tell you what ... Im staying at home next year!
“Gap” dictation Three men came_____New York_____a holiday. They came_____a large hotel and took a room there. Their room was_____the 45th floor_____the evening the three men went_____the theatre and came_____... the hotel very late. Im very sorry, said the hotel clerk, but our lifts are not working. If you dont want_____walk ___________your rooms, you will have_____sleep_____the hall. No, no, said one_____the three men. No, thank you. We do not want _____ sleep _____ the hall. We shall walk _____ our rooms. Then he turned_____his friends and said: It is not easy _____walk_____the 45th floor, but I think I know how_____make it easy. I shall tell you some jokes. Then you, Andy, will sing some jolly songs. That will help to pass the time. So they began _____walk_____their rooms. Tom told them many jokes. Andy sang some songs_____last they came_____the 34th floor. They were very tired. Well, said Tom, now it is your turn, Peter. Tell us a long and an interesting story. Peter said: My story is short but very, very sad. We have left the keys_____our rooms_____the hall.
“Gap” dictation Three men came to New York for a_____. They came to a_____hotel and took a room there. Their room was on the 45th_____. In the _____the three men went to the theatre and came back to the hotel very late. Im very sorry, said the hotel_____but our lifts are not working. If you dont want to walk up to your rooms, you will have to sleep in the hall. No, no, said one of the three men. No, thank you. We_____to sleep in the_____We shall_____to our_____. Then he turned to his _____friends and said: It is not easy to_____to the 45th floor, but I think I know how to make it_____. I shall tell you some_____. Then you, Andy, will sing some_____. That will help to_____the time. So they began to walk up to their rooms Tom told them many jokes. Andy_____some songs. At last they came to the 34* floor. They were very_____. Well, said Tom, now it is your_____Peter. Tell_____a long and an interesting story_____. Peter said: My story is short but very, very sad. We have left the_____to our_____in the hall.
“Gap” dictation Three men (to come) to New York for a holiday. They (to come) to a large hotel and (to take) a room there. Their room (to be) on the forty-fifth floor. In the evening the three men (to go) to the theatre and (to come) back to the hotel very late. I (to be) very sorry, (to say) the hotel clerk, but our lifts (to work). If you (to want) to walk up to your rooms, you (to have) to sleep in the hall. No, no, (to say) one of the men. No, thank you. We (to want) to sleep in the hall. We (to walk) up to our rooms. Then he (to turn) to his friends and (to say): It (to be) not easy to walk up to the 45th floor, but I (to think) I (to know) how to make it easy. I (to tell) you some jokes. Then you, Andy, (to sing) some jolly songs. That (to help) to pass the time. So they (to begin) to walk up to their rooms. Tom (to tell) them many funny jokes. Andy (to sing) some jolly songs. At last they (to reach) the 34th floor. They (to be) very tired. Well, (to say) Tom, now it (to be) your turn, Peter. Tell us a long and an interesting story.” Pete (to say): “My story (to be) short, but it (to be) very, very sad. We (to leave) the keys to our rooms in the hall.”
Half Dictation As soon as she walked into the room….. I’m having a lot of trouble deciding…. One Saturday morning in late summer…. If you want to lose all of your friends…. All through history, people have….. Nobody knows who really…. If you climb to the top of a high mountain….. I believe that everybody should…. They all started laughing because….
RUNNING DICTATION “EASTER TRADITIONS “ 1.Easter is in spring. 2.There are a lot of daffodils around in spring. 3.They are very beautiful yellow flowers. 4.In Britain, Easter starts on Good Friday. 5.People often eat hot-cross buns on this day. 6.People give children chocolate eggs for Easter. 7.They eat them on Easter Sunday. 8.Some families have an ‘Easter egg hunt’. 9.The parents hide Easter eggs . 10.And the children look for them. 11.They often go out as a family on Easter Sunday.
Whistle dictation Выберите подходящий текст, тематически связанный с недавно пройденной темой . Отметьте в тексте слова, которые вы будете не диктовать, а «просвистывать». Начинайте диктовать. Ученики слушают текст и пишут. Каждый раз, услышав свист, учащиеся должны самостоятельно выбрать и записать необходимое слово, требующееся по смыслу. Если вы не умеете свистеть или вы стесняетесь свистеть, заменить свист каким-нибудь словом, например “nut” или любым другим забавным словом.
Например: It is only 5-minute walk. You can go there on “nut”. It is only 5-minute walk. You can go there on foot.
Spelling dictations Dictate whole sentences letter by letter. SS divide up into words and punctuate. (Good for revising/introducing phrases and course book texts).
Crazy Dictations Proverb dictation Accuracy Bee Running Dictations Video Dictations Contractions: Listen Carefully!
Idiom dictation To work very late at night to achieve something-burn the midnight oil To fire somebody from their work-give somebody the boot Very suntanned-as brown as a berry Sth to think about- food for thought To cause sb to desire sth, especially food- make one’s mouth water To use a cheaper /easier method-cut corners To use influence to achieve sth-pull a few strings Think hard about sth in order to find a solution/ an answer- rack one’s brains The struggle for success, especially in a large city- the rat race To offer something good to somebody who cannot appreciate the value of it- cast pearls before swine There is no point in regretting sth that has happened- it’s no use crying over spilt milk
Auto-dictation Game Motivation is probably the most important factor that educators can target in order to improve learning. Numerous cross-disciplinary theories have been postulated to explain motivation. While each of these theories has some truth, no single theory seems to adequately explain all human motivation. The fact is that human beings in general and students in particular are complex creatures with complex needs and desires. With regard to students, very little if any learning can occur unless students are motivated on a consistent basis. The five key ingredients impacting student motivation are: student, teacher, content, method/process, and environment.
European Coal and Steel Community If you want to prevent war, you have to work together. You have to make sure that things needed to prepare for war are jointly controlled: steel for weapons and energy for factories and transport. That’s why six European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) agreed to unite their coal and steel industries. They set up the “European Coal and Steel Community”. The six countries got so well that they decided to go a step further and to set up the European Economic Community (EEC).
Objectives: - Vocabulary - Grammar - Spelling - Pronunciation - Teamwork and cooperation - Fun
5 сайтов с онлайн-диктантами по английскому языку http://www.dictationsonline.com/ Rong-chang.com Englishclub.com Breakingnewsenglish.com Learnenglish.de
https://e.mail.ru/message/14589966630000000832/?fromsearch=search&tarball=e.mail.ru-f-alpha-602-49880-en-s.tugovikov-1458907825.tgz&tab-time=1459675558&q_query&withattachs=Y&q_flag=2&q_folder=all&offset=8 http://pedsovet.su/load/111-1-0-1990 A Good Turn of Phrase. Advanced Idiom Practice. James Milton, Virginia Evans. Express Publishing, 2000 Reading, Writing and Discussion. И.А. Газиева. Развитие навыков устной речи. Издательство «Экзамен». Москва 2005 Spotlight,10.Английский язык. Москва. Express Publishing, «Просвещение» http://englex.ru/5-websites-for-english-dictations/ http://englex.ru/5-websites-for-english-dictations/ http://busyteacher.org/search.html?q=Dictation http://letterworld.narod.ru/dictator.htm