Презентация Present Perfect 6 класс
Автор публикации: Батырова Г.В.
Дата публикации: 01.11.2016
Краткое описание:
![Pussy cat, Pussy cat, Where have you been? I’ve been to London To look at the...]()
Pussy cat, Pussy cat, Where have you been? I’ve been to London To look at the Queen.
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![Обозначает действие, которое произошло в прошлом, но результат есть в настоящ...]()
Обозначает действие, которое произошло в прошлом, но результат есть в настоящем. Образуется Have, has (he, she, it)+ 3 ф. глагола. У правильных глаголов прибавляется окончание ed He has watched TV. We have painted the house.
![Правила орфографии]()
![Как образуются вопросы и отрицания ? Have you done your homework? ? Has she g...]()
Как образуются вопросы и отрицания ? Have you done your homework? ? Has she gone home? - He hasn’t done his homework. - I haven’t gone home.
![Указатели времени: С временем Present Perfect используются следующие указател...]()
Указатели времени: С временем Present Perfect используются следующие указатели времени. Already, yet, just, recently, since, for I have just read this book.
![Complete the sentence, using Present Perfect.]()
Complete the sentence, using Present Perfect.
![Name the 3d form of the verb.]()
Name the 3d form of the verb.
![Write the sentences. write he ..has written............................. clos...]()
Write the sentences. write he ..has written............................. close we ............................... see they ............................... put she ............................... eat it ............................... drink you ............................... finish he ............................... play she ............................... study I ............................... leave they ...............................
![What do you feel about the lesson? boring dull bad interesting lovely nice ex...]()
What do you feel about the lesson? boring dull bad interesting lovely nice excellent
![Формула Present Perfect. I have……ed I have bought She has ……ed She has bought...]()
Формула Present Perfect. I have……ed I have bought She has ……ed She has bought. Let’s have some practice now. First work individually, then in groups and in pairs.
![. Please, describe the picture.]()
. Please, describe the picture.