• Презентации
  • Презентация проекта по английскому языку на тему Жизнь 50 лет назад 6 класс

Презентация проекта по английскому языку на тему Жизнь 50 лет назад 6 класс

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Life in Russia 50 years ago Vershinin Ivan
Life in Russia 50 years ago Vershinin Ivan
Fifty years ago people lived in wooden and brick houses.
Fifty years ago people lived in wooden and brick houses.
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Fifty years ago there was central heating in flats, but it was not in wooden...
Fifty years ago there was central heating in flats, but it was not in wooden houses.
Also there were electricity and running water.
Also there were electricity and running water.
People took water from wells and cooked food in ovens.
People took water from wells and cooked food in ovens.
There were no vacuum cleaners, people swept the floor with the broom.
There were no vacuum cleaners, people swept the floor with the broom.
There were no big LCD TV with more than hundred channels, only small TV sets...
There were no big LCD TV with more than hundred channels, only small TV sets with water lenses.
Also there was no big modern refrigerator. It was small and very noisy.
Also there was no big modern refrigerator. It was small and very noisy.
Furniture was not very comfortable, but qualitative.
Furniture was not very comfortable, but qualitative.
Now there are all modern conveniences and equipment our flats.
Now there are all modern conveniences and equipment our flats.
Computers, gas stoves, washing machins, telephones and others make our life e...
Computers, gas stoves, washing machins, telephones and others make our life easier and more interesting.

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