Leisure time 11 класс

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Free time of teenagers in the UK and Russia
Free time of teenagers in the UK and Russia
Britain has recently been by described as a "leisure society," because there...
Britain has recently been by described as a "leisure society," because there...
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Sport in UK During the past years there is a great increase in keeping fit an...
Sport in UK During the past years there is a great increase in keeping fit an...
Teenagers in Russia The same is true in Russia. A lot of teens go in for diff...
Teenagers in Russia The same is true in Russia. A lot of teens go in for diff...
But despite the increase in the number of teens participating in sport, the...
But despite the increase in the number of teens participating in sport, the...
The young generation is fond of communication. There are many available metho...
The young generation is fond of communication. There are many available metho...
A lot of teenagers in both countries are crazy about animals. They race them,...
A lot of teenagers in both countries are crazy about animals. They race them,...
There are plenty of other kinds of activities, such as travelling, visiting h...
There are plenty of other kinds of activities, such as travelling, visiting h...
Questions for class What do you think about my last statement? Do you agree w...
Questions for class What do you think about my last statement? Do you agree w...

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