Урок по английскому языку в 6 классе Покупки

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Where do people go to buy food?
Where do people go to buy food?
Riddles sugar. Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз. Конфетки по-английски - … swe...
Riddles sugar. Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз. Конфетки по-английски - … swe...
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A B a carton of oil a bottle of honey a jar of coca-cola a can of chocolate...
A B a carton of oil a bottle of honey a jar of coca-cola a can of chocolate...
poultry – птица cashier – касса choice - выбор 1. Where did Nick and Andrew g...
poultry – птица cashier – касса choice - выбор 1. Where did Nick and Andrew g...
Snowball I went to the …….’s and bought…… (Then…..)
Snowball I went to the …….’s and bought…… (Then…..)
Healthy Unhealthy food food
Healthy Unhealthy food food
Homework “My favoutite dish” My favoutite dish is…… It consists of…… I like i...
Homework “My favoutite dish” My favoutite dish is…… It consists of…… I like i...
Thank you for your work! Did you like today lesson? What words did you rememb...
Thank you for your work! Did you like today lesson? What words did you rememb...

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