Презентация Глобализация (9 класс)
Автор публикации: Рожкова И.Б.
Дата публикации: 20.04.2016
Краткое описание:
What is globalization? Globalization is the tendency of business technologies or philosophies to spread throughout the world.
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Globalization has affected all countries and Russia is no exception. Today we can say that we were completely in colonial dependence on super society. Globalization has affected all countries and Russia is no exception. Today we can say that we were completely in colonial dependence on super society.
Consider the process of globalization in our country as an example of spiritual and social spheres of society. Consider the process of globalization in our country as an example of spiritual and social spheres of society.
Globalization in the spiritual realm If we consider the phenomenon of globalization of culture, then just remember music. People of the world seldom enough hear national melodies. They hear motifs in the manner of modern pop groups. Similar things and movies. National cinema of many countries are not always able to compete with the industry formats, which are set at the global level. Culture pastime also largely similar. Cinema, fitness centers, football, shopping is all that popular in every country.
Globalization in the spiritual realm Within the framework of globalization is decomposed spiritual sphere of people which resulted in such ugly phenomena as sodomy, the conclusion of a formal gay marriage, pedophilia, the ideology of permissiveness, drug addiction. Particularly alarming in recent decades is the problem of drug addiction.
Globalization in the social sphere During globalization when there is reorganization of healthcare systems in many countries it is very important to assess efficacy of the system according objective criteria. The use of experience of management in the system of healthcare in developed countries, realization of experimental models of management on the territory of the country with the analysis of results is all these can help to decide problems of healthcare system.
Globalization in the social sphere For cultural globalization is characterized by the convergence of business and consumer culture between different countries, the widespread use of foreign languages for international communication, the growth of international tourism growth in the use of the Internet, has become not only a universal means of communication, but also an increasingly recognized tool for training and research activities.
Plus and minus of globalization
Globalization is both good and bad. Good to adopt and soon dealing with important issues, and bad in one-sided view on these issues and the concentration of power that can be both positive and negative sides. Globalization is both good and bad. Good to adopt and soon dealing with important issues, and bad in one-sided view on these issues and the concentration of power that can be both positive and negative sides.
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