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  • Познавательная игра по английскому языку для 6 класса

Познавательная игра по английскому языку для 6 класса

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Show-game The more we study, the more we know Учитель английского языка ООШ с...
Show-game The more we study, the more we know Учитель английского языка ООШ с. Загокино Карпушкина Анна Валерьевна
Introduce your team
Introduce your team
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Find 12 months M A R C H B L H J I G D Y N K S G H K Y E C V G F S V T N U A...
Find 12 months M A R C H B L H J I G D Y N K S G H K Y E C V G F S V T N U A F F D E C E M B E R V U N T D Y N S W Z M P H B F Q J V X R I C O C T O B E R A D R A X V T G M A Y X G M U X H Q U H D B Y C P R X M W A G B R G BV Z C J J R J J K V R Q L X U E V M T V I L J U L Y A W U S C W C N I L X Y W F H K A B T H S E P T E M B R G G R A D G T C C G N I D N R B J S Q Z J V X G H K A B J A N U A R Y Q D C H Y V E M T T S N A V K B N N O V M B E R D R E W A G I P
Describe the room
Describe the room
Describe the room
Describe the room
What sport games can you play in winter, in summer, in autumn and in spring?
What sport games can you play in winter, in summer, in autumn and in spring?
Who is it? It is big, tall and red. He has 3 big heads, 3 long heads, 6 small...
Who is it? It is big, tall and red. He has 3 big heads, 3 long heads, 6 small ears, 6 black eyebrows, 2 big feet, 2 short arms and 16 fingers, 3 big mouths and many white big teeth. It also has a big, long tail.
Tongue twisters 1. If you, Sandy, have two candies Give one candy to Andy, Sa...
Tongue twisters 1. If you, Sandy, have two candies Give one candy to Andy, Sandy 2. A cup of coffee from a copper coffee pot 3. A little pot is soon hot 4. Bobby brings bright bells 5. Seven Santas sing silly songs 6. Santa’s sack sags slightly 7. Chilly children cheerfully chant
Rhyme-time Cat, Plate, Our, Book, Car, Floor, Lamp, Light, Day, Letter, Pay ,...
Rhyme-time Cat, Plate, Our, Book, Car, Floor, Lamp, Light, Day, Letter, Pay , House Tree, Boot, Chalk , Pen Spoon, Feet, Face, Treat, Foot, Matter Fork, Box, Sand, Stick, Name, Street , Fish, Bag Flower, moon, gate,dish far, mouse, walk,door,camp, tag, flag, fat, look, night, three, hen, men, game, lace, took, fox, hand, pick, meet
Put these holidays in the correct order a)      New Year’s Day, b)      April...
Put these holidays in the correct order a)      New Year’s Day, b)      April Fool’s Day, c)      St. Valentine’s Day, d)     Christmas
Well done!
Well done!

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