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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Великие путешественники (2 курс СПО)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Великие путешественники (2 курс СПО)

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Преподаватель ГПОАУ АТК Гуриценко Е.В. Famous travelers Известные путешествен...
Преподаватель ГПОАУ АТК Гуриценко Е.В. Famous travelers Известные путешественники
Usually I travel to learn smth new.
Usually I travel to learn smth new.
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Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama
He discovered the seaway to India
He discovered the seaway to India
Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer and the first European who reach Indi...
Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer and the first European who reach India by sea. He was born in 1469 an died in 1524
His initial voyage to India (1497–1499) was the first to link Europe and Asia...
His initial voyage to India (1497–1499) was the first to link Europe and Asia by an ocean route, connecting the Atlantic and the Indian oceans and, in this way, the West and the Orient.
Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus
He discovered South and Central America.
He discovered South and Central America.
He was born in 1450 and died in 1506
He was born in 1450 and died in 1506
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer, and citiz...
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer, and citizen of the Republic of Genoa.
James Cook
James Cook
He was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal...
He was a British explorer, navigator, cartographer, and captain in the Royal Navy.
Cook made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the...
Cook made detailed maps of Newfoundland prior to making three voyages to the Pacific Ocean, during which he achieved the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of Australia and the Hawaiian Islands, and the first recorded circumnavigation of New Zealand. Prior to making – до принятия Circumnavigation – кругосветное

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