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Презентация и материалы к уроку Great War and Great Victory@

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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение Куликовская средняя общеобразова...
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение Куликовская средняя общеобразовательная школа Учитель: Свяцкевич Евгений Витальевич ОТКРЫТЫЙ УРОК
План урока. Theme: “Great War and Great Victory” Цель урока: способствовать в...
План урока. Theme: “Great War and Great Victory” Цель урока: способствовать воспитанию чувства патриотизма, гордости за героические подвиги Русской Армии, чувства сопричасности своей семьи к историческому прошлому нашей Родины. Задачи: актуализация в речи учащихся темы подвига Русской Армии, совершенствование навыков ведения обсуждения в рамках темы с использованием технологии “cooperating learning”, развитие мыслительных операций, связанных с речевой деятельностью – сравнение, анализ, обобщение, способности логически излагать свои мысли в ходе обсуждения, формирование навыков словообразования, совершенствование умения использовать в речи фоновые знания, информацию, полученную на других предметах гуманитарного цикла.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
“There was never a good war or a bad peace” B. Franklin
“There was never a good war or a bad peace” B. Franklin
You can see the word “War”. What ideas come to your mind? – What is war assoc...
You can see the word “War”. What ideas come to your mind? – What is war associated with for you? for ex.: victory, death, win, hero, courage, siege, defend, independence, duty, liberation, blood, peace, shoulder straps, the Kursk Arc, the Leningrader Siege, brave, fight, military service, weapons, officers, soldiers, generals, heroic actions, freedom….
When did the Great Patriotic War begin?
When did the Great Patriotic War begin?
The Great Patriotic War began on the 22 of June 1941.
The Great Patriotic War began on the 22 of June 1941.
How did the Soviet people defend their Motherland?
How did the Soviet people defend their Motherland?
The Soviet people defended their Motherland heroically.
The Soviet people defended their Motherland heroically.
What were the main battles in which the fascists were defeated?
What were the main battles in which the fascists were defeated?
Kursk Arc were the main battles in which the fascists were defeated.
Kursk Arc were the main battles in which the fascists were defeated.
What were the allied countries fought against nazism?
What were the allied countries fought against nazism?
The Soviet Union
The Soviet Union
Great Britain
Great Britain
were the allied countries fought against Nazism.
were the allied countries fought against Nazism.
How was Berlin taken?
How was Berlin taken?
Berlin was taken by the Soviet Army with rapid great attack.
Berlin was taken by the Soviet Army with rapid great attack.
Who raised the Red Banner of Victory over the Reichstag in Berlin ?
Who raised the Red Banner of Victory over the Reichstag in Berlin ?
The Red Banner of Victory over Reichstag in Berlin was raised by Egorov and K...
The Red Banner of Victory over Reichstag in Berlin was raised by Egorov and Kantariya
When did the Great Patriotic War end ?
When did the Great Patriotic War end ?
The Great Patriotic War ended on the 9th of May 1945.
The Great Patriotic War ended on the 9th of May 1945.
What did the victory of the Soviet people and other peace- loving peoples mea...
What did the victory of the Soviet people and other peace- loving peoples mean for the world ?
The victory of the Soviet people and other peace-loving people meant freedom...
The victory of the Soviet people and other peace-loving people meant freedom from fascism and peace all over the world.
Losses of the Soviet of Union More than 27 millions people 10 millions of mil...
Losses of the Soviet of Union More than 27 millions people 10 millions of military men 4 millions of partisans more than 13 millions of peaceful people
Жди меня, и я вернусь. Только очень жди, Жди, когда наводят грусть Желтые до...
Жди меня, и я вернусь. Только очень жди, Жди, когда наводят грусть Желтые дожди, Жди, когда снега метут, Жди, когда жара, Жди, когда других не ждут, Позабыв вчера. Жди, когда из дальних мест Писем не придет, Жди, когда уж надоест Всем, кто вместе ждет. Жди меня, и я вернусь. К.Симонов Wait for me and I’ll return, Dear one, only wait, When the leaves of autumn burn Round our garden gate, Wait through summer’s sun, Others may forgotten be Ere the fight is won, But, when days that endless creep Bring no word from me, Still your lonely vigil keep, Dear one, wait for me. By K. Simonov.
From the Poem “Victory” There are no victories great and small, In war there’...
From the Poem “Victory” There are no victories great and small, In war there’s but one victory. One victory there is, as one love, A single effort of the people… By Olga Berggolts

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