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  • Реферат на тему Великие женщины Великобритании

Реферат на тему Великие женщины Великобритании

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Great Women of the UK
Great Women of the UK
Boudica Married the king of the Iceni When her husband died the Romans invade...
Boudica Married the king of the Iceni When her husband died the Romans invade...
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Boudica Destroyed Verularium Boudica’s army was destroyed She drank poison an...
Boudica Destroyed Verularium Boudica’s army was destroyed She drank poison an...
Mary Tudor Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon A strict roman cath...
Mary Tudor Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon A strict roman cath...
Mary Tudor Married the king of Spain This marriage was a disaster An unhappy...
Mary Tudor Married the king of Spain This marriage was a disaster An unhappy...
Anne Boleyn The second wife of Henry VIII At the age of 13 worked in the Fren...
Anne Boleyn The second wife of Henry VIII At the age of 13 worked in the Fren...
Anna Boleyn Was crowned queen Mother of queen Elizabeth and a stillborn baby...
Anna Boleyn Was crowned queen Mother of queen Elizabeth and a stillborn baby...
Elizabeth I Was the queen of England, Ireland Daughter of Henry VIII and Anna...
Elizabeth I Was the queen of England, Ireland Daughter of Henry VIII and Anna...
Elizabeth I Never married Became queen in 1558 Returned the Protestant faith...
Elizabeth I Never married Became queen in 1558 Returned the Protestant faith...
Mary Queen of Scots Cousin of Elizabeth I A strict Catholic Married the king...
Mary Queen of Scots Cousin of Elizabeth I A strict Catholic Married the king...
Mary Queen of Scots Married her cousin Lord Darnley (22) Had a son, James aft...
Mary Queen of Scots Married her cousin Lord Darnley (22) Had a son, James aft...
Mary Queen of Scots Elizabeth I ordered to execute her Her son brought her bo...
Mary Queen of Scots Elizabeth I ordered to execute her Her son brought her bo...
Queen Victoria Became queen at the age of 18 Married her cousin Albert and ha...
Queen Victoria Became queen at the age of 18 Married her cousin Albert and ha...
Queen Victoria When her husband died wore only black and stopped appearing in...
Queen Victoria When her husband died wore only black and stopped appearing in...
Elizabeth II The present queen of the UK Was educated at home Colonel-in-Chie...
Elizabeth II The present queen of the UK Was educated at home Colonel-in-Chie...
Elizabeth II Became queen in 1952, returned the name of the House of Windsor...
Elizabeth II Became queen in 1952, returned the name of the House of Windsor...
Elizabeth II An animal lover and keen on horses Keen on gardens Has a number...
Elizabeth II An animal lover and keen on horses Keen on gardens Has a number...
Diana Earned her living working as a nanny, cook and a teacher (in her young...
Diana Earned her living working as a nanny, cook and a teacher (in her young...
Diana Was called Princess Diana but it wasn’t her title Worked for many chari...
Diana Was called Princess Diana but it wasn’t her title Worked for many chari...
Diana The most popular woman in the world was adored by people and is still i...
Diana The most popular woman in the world was adored by people and is still i...
Great women of GB
Great women of GB

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