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  • Интегрированное мероприятие по английскому языку и литературе для 7 и 10 классов

Интегрированное мероприятие по английскому языку и литературе для 7 и 10 классов

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Outstanding English writers Душа нашего века, чудо нашей сцены, Он принадлежи...
Outstanding English writers Душа нашего века, чудо нашей сцены, Он принадлежит не одному веку, но всем временам. Английский драматург Бен Джонсон
Цели Знать краткие сведения о личности У.Шекспира и У.Вордсворта и об истоках...
Цели Знать краткие сведения о личности У.Шекспира и У.Вордсворта и об истоках их творчества. Уметь выразительно читать сонеты, показывая личное отношение к поэту и его творчеству.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
William Shakespeare (23/04/ 1564-1616) is the greatest and the most famous o...
William Shakespeare (23/04/ 1564-1616) is the greatest and the most famous of Britains writers.
Stratford – prosperous, self-governing market town. The Avon – a pretty river...
Stratford – prosperous, self-governing market town. The Avon – a pretty river. Stratford Grammar School. Mary Arden, the poet’s mother, was a daughter of rich man. John Shakespeare, the poet’s father, was the town officers and dealer in corn and meat.
The appearance of the house is the same as it looked at that time.
The appearance of the house is the same as it looked at that time.
He set up his own theatre «The Globe».
He set up his own theatre «The Globe».
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets
“Othello” is a play about love and jealousy, a play about a person who believ...
“Othello” is a play about love and jealousy, a play about a person who believed the lie and killed his wife whom he loved dearly.
“King Lear” is the story of a man who was so proud so egoistic that he could...
“King Lear” is the story of a man who was so proud so egoistic that he could not understand a world around him. He heard only what he wanted to hear, he saw only what he wanted to see.
April 23, 1616 Shakespeare dies, aged 52 years. Cause of his death is unknown...
April 23, 1616 Shakespeare dies, aged 52 years. Cause of his death is unknown. William Shakespeare is buried in the church. Trinity Church in Stratford.
Early sonnets are full of trusting of opportunity of harmony between life and...
Early sonnets are full of trusting of opportunity of harmony between life and person. Then it was realization of fragility of relationships between people, conflicts with life circumstances. The most difficult is learn to live with uncurable wound in the heart and the poet overtake this lesson. Also in these sonnets you can observe the great emotional experience.
Озёрный край(англ. Lake District) — горный регион в Северо-Западной Англии, в...
Озёрный край(англ. Lake District) — горный регион в Северо-Западной Англии, в графстве Камбрия. Является самым большим (площадь 2279 кв. км) в Англии национальным парком и самым известным природным регионом. Название парк получил от 16 больших озер, прихотливо разбросанных среди холмов. Домики из серого камня, усевшиеся хаотично на них, кажутся среди всей этой красоты игрушечными.
Включает четыре крупнейших озера в Англии — Уиндермир Алсуотер, Бассентуэйт Д...
Включает четыре крупнейших озера в Англии — Уиндермир Алсуотер, Бассентуэйт Деруэнт-Уотер
Озёрный край знаменит своими живописными горными и озёрными ландшафтами. Крут...
Озёрный край знаменит своими живописными горными и озёрными ландшафтами. Крутые горы, низкие зелёные долины, загадочные озёра, стали вдохновением для многих поэтов и художников, включая жившего здесь Уильяма Вордсворта.
Уильям Вордсворт - поэт Природы и Человека. Его справедливо считают лучшим м...
Уильям Вордсворт - поэт Природы и Человека. Его справедливо считают лучшим мастером пейзажа Своим самым любимым местом Вордсворт называл Даддонскую долину на юго-западе Озерного края. Опубликовал свой Путеводитель по озёрам в 1810 году, до 1835 года выпустил 5 изданий этой книги.
Уильям Вордсворт «Нарциссы» William Wordsworth
Уильям Вордсворт «Нарциссы» William Wordsworth
Biography was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland He was the se...
Biography was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland He was the second of five children. After his mothers death in 1778 he was sent to Hawkshead Grammar School, near Windermere, in 1787 he went up to St. Johns College, Cambridge, where he studied English Literature and Italian language.
He enjoyed hiking: during the "long" (i.e., summer) vacation of 1788 he tramp...
He enjoyed hiking: during the long (i.e., summer) vacation of 1788 he tramped around Cumberland county, two years later went on a walking tour of France, Switzerland, and Germany, and in 1791, after graduation, trekked through Wales.
1792 -1793 he published his famous works ; An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sk...
1792 -1793 he published his famous works , An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches
The most popular sonnet after «Daffodils» - it’s the Sonnet Upon Westminister...
The most popular sonnet after «Daffodils» - it’s the Sonnet Upon Westminister Bridge. The poet was inspired by the view in the early morning of 31st of July 1802, when sitizens of London were at home and nothing had worked yet.
Sonnet "To London" Нет зрелища пленительней! И в ком Не дрогнет дух бесчувств...
Sonnet To London Нет зрелища пленительней! И в ком Не дрогнет дух бесчувственно-упрямый  При виде величавой панорамы,  Где утро - будто в ризы - все кругом  Одело в Красоту. И каждый дом,  Суда в порту, театры, башни, храмы,  Река в сверканье этой мирной рамы,  Все утопает в блеске голубом.  Нет, никогда так ярко не вставало,  Так первозданно солнце над рекой,  Так чутко тишина не колдовала,  Вода не знала ясности такой.  И город спит. Еще прохожих мало,  И в Сердце мощном царствует покой. (пер. В.В. Левика)
The last twenty years of the poet's life were overshadowed by the long illnes...
The last twenty years of the poets life were overshadowed by the long illness of his beloved sister Dorothy. In 1847, he lost his only daughter Dora, which is very loved. Support he had a wife and devoted friends. Wordsworth died in Mount Rydell April 23, 1850.
William Shakespeare is the greatest and the most famous of Britain’s writes....
William Shakespeare is the greatest and the most famous of Britain’s writes. He was born on April 1564 at London in England. He set up his own theatre “The Globe”. Most of Shakespeare’s plays were not published in his lifetime. He didn’t write poetry, especially the Sonnets. True or False?
1) When and where was William Shakespeare born? 2) What was the name of his t...
1) When and where was William Shakespeare born? 2) What was the name of his theatre? 3) How many plays and sonnets did he write? 4) What plays of William Shakespeare do you know? 5) Where and when was he buried? Answer the Questions:
Answer the questions 1.When was William Wordsworth born? 2.What did he study?...
Answer the questions 1.When was William Wordsworth born? 2.What did he study? 3.What sonnets did he write? 4. What did he describe in his sonnets? 5. When did he die? 6. What do you know about his last years?

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