Презентация по теме Spoken English
Автор публикации: Сабагинова З.В.
Дата публикации: 25.04.2016
Краткое описание:
![A WORKSHOP Spoken English]()
A WORKSHOP Spoken English
![Spoken English The aim -to help participants in teaching spoken English The t...]()
Spoken English The aim -to help participants in teaching spoken English The tasks: - to expand trainees’ views on some problems of speaking to find some effective approaches in studying speaking skills to define teachers view on practicing speaking skills Learning outcomes: - to apply new material in their work to enhance speaking skills
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![1.Trainer and trainees MUST speak in English 2.T-T communication MUST be in...]()
1.Trainer and trainees MUST speak in English 2.T-T communication MUST be in English 3.All activities should be held in the medium of communication and interaction MUST be in English 4. On the whole, we must ensure and encourage trainees exposure to English.
![Spoken English Introduction The theoretical part The practical part Reflectio...]()
Spoken English Introduction The theoretical part The practical part Reflection References
![Part I INTRODUCTION 1, 2, 3, 4 - we are here, what is for? 5, 6, 7, 8 - speak...]()
Part I INTRODUCTION 1, 2, 3, 4 - we are here, what is for? 5, 6, 7, 8 - speak in English, don’t be afraid! 9, 10 - start again, We will speak with you again.
![Spoken English]()
![Part II THEORY create a unique atmosphere avoid boring activities speak Engli...]()
Part II THEORY create a unique atmosphere avoid boring activities speak English supply your students with everything they need to complete the task monitor and help noise can be efficient if it’s in English
![Speaking problems fear of being laughed at lack of vocabulary grammar mistake...]()
Speaking problems fear of being laughed at lack of vocabulary grammar mistakes pronunciation time pressure
![Learn to speak is like learning to swim. The more you train, the better you s...]()
Learn to speak is like learning to swim. The more you train, the better you succeed, until, finally, you will not be able to do it without thinking about it!!!
![Part III PRACTICE A list of activities: To give their thoughts on topic assig...]()
Part III PRACTICE A list of activities: To give their thoughts on topic assigned by teacher Oral diary, oral weekly report Group presentations on a completed project Picture description Storytelling Chained storytelling Role play Debates Dramatic monologues Jazz chants etc.
![Tasks First meeting Detective story Perfect story Role-play Find someone who...]()
Tasks First meeting Detective story Perfect story Role-play Find someone who Matching opinion
![Part IV 1.The content 2.Forms and methods 3.The group's activities 4.My own w...]()
Part IV 1.The content 2.Forms and methods 3.The groups activities 4.My own work. Note: 1,2,3,4,5- marks 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
![References 1. Celce-Murcia. M. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreig...]()
References 1. Celce-Murcia. M. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (3rd ed). USA: Heinle&Heinle. 2. Long M.H & Richards, J.C. (1987). Methodology in TESOL. USA: Heinle&Heinle. 3. Nunan. D. (1991 Language Teaching Methodology. UK: Prentice Hall International (Chapter two & three) 4. Tanner .R. & Green.C.(1998) Tasks for teacher education. UK. Addisson Wesley Longman. Ltd. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p51wLfw_QSc
![Thanks for your attention! OK! I DO IT.]()
Thanks for your attention! OK! I DO IT.