Презентация на английском языке An apple day

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Morderer Anastasyya 6 A
Morderer Anastasyya 6 A
The first Apple Day was organized in Covent Garden in London in 1990.
The first Apple Day was organized in Covent Garden in London in 1990.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
An Apple Day is celebrated all through the country.
An Apple Day is celebrated all through the country.
Throughout history, apples have been used to symbolize human emotions and tem...
Throughout history, apples have been used to symbolize human emotions and temptations.
An Apple Day usually takes place on the Saturday and Sunday closest to Octobe...
An Apple Day usually takes place on the Saturday and Sunday closest to October the 21st
Оn this day you can enjoy hundreds of apples.
Оn this day you can enjoy hundreds of apples.
An Apple Day events can be large or small, from apple games in a garden to la...
An Apple Day events can be large or small, from apple games in a garden to large village fairs.
During the holiday it is offered many apple dishes and drinks.
During the holiday it is offered many apple dishes and drinks.
Thank you for being with me!
Thank you for being with me!

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