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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему My family

Презентация по английскому языку на тему My family

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My family
My family
The aims of the lesson: a) to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary, to pay attention to...
The aims of the lesson: a) to enlarge pupil’s vocabulary, to pay attention to their pronunciation, b) to develop pupils’ skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking speech, c) to develop the interest to English language, to teach pupils to respect each other and the culture of another nations to bring up them to love English language.
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T h e p r o c e d u r e o f t h e l e s s o n : I . O r g a n i z a t i o n...
T h e p r o c e d u r e o f t h e l e s s o n : I . O r g a n i z a t i o n m o m e n t T : Good morning, pupils! P : Good morning, teacher! T: How are you? P: We are fine. And you? T: I’m OK. Thank you, sit down! T: Who is on duty today? T: Who is absent? T: What is the date today? T: What is the day today? T: What is the weather like today? T: Thank you. Take your seat.
II. Warm - up This is mother, kind and dear. This is father, standing near. T...
II. Warm - up This is mother, kind and dear. This is father, standing near. This is brother, see how tall. This is sister, not so tall. This is baby, sweet and small. These are the family one and all!
III. Checking up the home task. Let’s check your home task. Ex10, p35. Count...
III. Checking up the home task. Let’s check your home task. Ex10, p35. Count and say. 14-6 = 16-4 = 18-7 = 20-9 = 11-4 = 17-7 = 13-5 = 15-3 = 19-8 =
IV. New words. - Today we have new words linking with the theme family. - Wri...
IV. New words. - Today we have new words linking with the theme family. - Write down please, these words in your vocabulary.
My family Presentation of vocabulary
My family Presentation of vocabulary
Vocabulary: A grandfather – ата A grandmother - әже a father - әке a mother -...
Vocabulary: A grandfather – ата A grandmother - әже a father - әке a mother -ана a brother –аға, іні a sister - әпке, қарындас an uncle – туысқан аға an aunt –туысқан апа cousin –немере аға a son – ұл бала a daughter – қыз бала children -балалар parents- ата- ана
V. Grammar. Possessive ‘s When we want to show that something belongs to som...
V. Grammar. Possessive ‘s When we want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, we usually add s to a singular noun and an apostrophe to a plural noun, for example: the boys ball (one boy) the boys ball (two or more boys)
VI. Work with pictures. - Look at the “family tree” and complete the sentenc...
VI. Work with pictures. - Look at the “family tree” and complete the sentences.
1. Aisha is Derek’s … 2. Alan is Brian’s … 3. Jennifer is Aisha's … 4. Tim i...
1. Aisha is Derek’s … 2. Alan is Brian’s … 3. Jennifer is Aishas … 4. Tim is Brian’s … 5. Phyllis is Jennifer’s … 6. Jennifer is Brian’s … 7. Derek is Aishas … 8. Daphne is Aisha’s … 9. Derek is Brian’s … _
VII. Talk to your friend about Aisha’s family. a) Who is Mr. Alan? He is …. b...
VII. Talk to your friend about Aisha’s family. a) Who is Mr. Alan? He is …. b) Who is Jennifer? She is … c) Who are Derek and Jennifer? They are …
VIII. Writing - Scrambled Letters - Find the correct words and write them in...
VIII. Writing - Scrambled Letters - Find the correct words and write them into the gaps. Example: horadgmthner - ____________ Answer: horadgmthner – grandmother 1) fathre – 2) necul – 3) aarndgfther – 4) osn – 5) agdtuehr – 6) rbthoer – 7) atnu – 8) nriachgdld – 9) sesitr – 10) othemr –
IX. Singing a song. Let’s sing a song which is called “Finger family”. Daddy...
IX. Singing a song. Let’s sing a song which is called “Finger family”. Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am, how do you do? Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am, how do you do? Brother finger, brother finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am, how do you do? Sister finger, sister finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am, how do you do? Baby finger, baby finger, where are you? Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
X. Word snake. - Find all family words. Write one word into each gap. dwgrand...
X. Word snake. - Find all family words. Write one word into each gap. dwgranddaughterdchildgdaughterkkidograndsonvvsonmtwinhtniecehjnephew qgreatgrandparentsdfathermothergrandmothergrandfatherauntunclechildren
XI. Conclusion. My father's mother is my grandmother My mother's father is m...
XI. Conclusion. My fathers mother is my grandmother My mothers father is my grandfather My fathers daughter is my sister My mothers son is my brother My brother is my fathers son My sister is my mothers daughter My fathers sister is my aunt My mothers brother is my uncle
XII. Homework Your hometask will be to learn new words and to bring a group p...
XII. Homework Your hometask will be to learn new words and to bring a group picture of your family.
XIII.Giving marks IV. Summary. The lesson is over. Good-bye! Have nice time!
XIII.Giving marks IV. Summary. The lesson is over. Good-bye! Have nice time!

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