Презентация по английскому языку Интерпол
Автор публикации: Владимирова С.Г.
Дата публикации: 27.11.2016
Краткое описание:
![Short name of the International Criminal Police Organization - an internatio...]()
Short name of the International Criminal Police Organization - an international organization, whose main objective is to unite the efforts of national law enforcement agencies of participating countries in the fight against common crime. Interpol is headquartered in France, in Lyon
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![History In 1914, with the active participation of Prince Albert I of Monaco i...]()
History In 1914, with the active participation of Prince Albert I of Monaco in the Principality hosted the 1st International Congress of Criminal Police, in which police officers from 14 countries participated (including the Russian Empire). The Congress approved the initiative to establish an international commission of criminal police, but the First World War prevented the execution of plans.
![Structure The supreme body is the General Assembly (meets annually), presides...]()
Structure The supreme body is the General Assembly (meets annually), presides over who is elected president of Interpol: from 2008 to 2012, the representative of Singapore - Qiu Wenhui [en], from 2012 to 2016 the representative of France - Mireille Balestrazi (fr Mireille Balestrazzi.), the first-ever woman president of Interpol. November 2016 - Deputy Minister of Public Security Meng Hongwei, China. Vice-president of Interpol for the first time elected a Russian, Head of the National Central Bureau (NCB) of Interpol Russian Interior Ministry, Police Major General Alexander Prokopchuk. [4] Current work is entrusted to a permanent General Secretariat is headed by the Secretary-General (2000 - Ronald Noble, Ronald K. Noble USA, in 2010 re-elected for a third term from 2010 to 2015.).
![Tasks The main task is to coordinate the efforts of individual countries and...]()
Tasks The main task is to coordinate the efforts of individual countries and the implementation of a uniform policy in the fight against common crime. Among other major tasks may be noted the coordination of international search and struggle with: trafficking by organized crime, drug trafficking, economic crimes and high-tech counterfeiting, forgery of securities and child pornography. Recently, much attention is paid to public safety and the fight against terrorism. Interpol in Russia [citation needed | edit wiki text]
![Interpol in Russia In 1991, the structure of the central apparatus of the Min...]()
Interpol in Russia In 1991, the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on the management of rights was established National Central Bureau of Interpol - body responsible for the direct interaction of law-enforcement and other state bodies of the USSR with the police of foreign countries and the General Secretariat of Interpol. The Russian Federation is the legal successor of the USSR, which was passed to Interpol September 27, 1990 at the session of the General Assembly in Ottawa [1]. Head of the National Central Bureau of Interpol Russian Interior Ministry, November 2014 [5], a member of the Executive Committee of Interpol, and from November 2016 [6], the vice-president of Interpol - Police Major General Alexander Prokopchuk.