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  • Презентация по английскому языку для 8 класса Environmental problems

Презентация по английскому языку для 8 класса Environmental problems

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Environmental problems Environmental problems
Environmental problems Environmental problems
The first five books of the Bible. When God created the first man he took him...
The first five books of the Bible. When God created the first man he took him and led him round all the trees of the Garden of Eden and said to him: look at my works, how beautiful they are! Take care that you do not corrupt and destroy my universe, for if you destroy it no one will repair it after you!
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I think that everything in the world must be beautiful. A human life is a par...
I think that everything in the world must be beautiful. A human life is a part of the whole environment and closely connected with it. It is true.
"We have responsibility to life, to defend it everywhere , not only against o...
We have responsibility to life, to defend it everywhere , not only against our own sins, but also against those of others. We are all passengers together in this same fragile and glorious world (professor A. Hertzberg)
But what are we doing? Just look!
But what are we doing? Just look!
2013 was the year of protection of nature.That's why I think that the theme o...
2013 was the year of protection of nature.Thats why I think that the theme of my project is very actual nowadays. The problem of my project is to keep our environment for the future generation. I put the following hypothesis: polluting our environment, a man changes for the worse quality of his life. The aim of my project is to attract peoples attention to the problem of protection of the environment of our district for the future generation. For the decision of the aim I put the following tasks: to research the question of polluting of the environment to make the questionnaire among the pupils of our lyceum to attract as many pupils as we can to our group Green patrol.
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprisers have appeared al...
Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprisers have appeared all over the world today.
The by-products of their activity pollute our nature.
The by-products of their activity pollute our nature.
Some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a nu...
Some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever, a number of lakes and rivers dry up.
Smoke gases pollute our atmosphere. Pay attention to the problems of our big...
Smoke gases pollute our atmosphere. Pay attention to the problems of our big cities.
I consider that the ecological situation in our district is not so unfavourab...
I consider that the ecological situation in our district is not so unfavourable. I visited the administration of Isakly and found out that our administration do everything possible to make our village clean and nice. Every year it organizes a competition of the best house and garden. The rubbish is collected by special lorries by time-table from the streets. Its very convinient for people. There are rubbish heaps near every village of our district. Sewerage system in Isakly came into service in 2007. There are a lot of harmful substances there, which influence on our health. What are they?
They are Carbone monoxide is formed from the incomplete combustion of fuel. I...
They are Carbone monoxide is formed from the incomplete combustion of fuel. It can break the thermal balance of atmosphere Carbone dioxide is formed from the combustion of all kinds of fuel. The increase of its existence in atmosphere leads to increase of its temperature. Sulphur dioxide is in smoke of industrial enterprises Nitric oxides causes respiratory diseases and a bronchitis in newborns. Smog is formed with them and caused respiratory diseases. Phosphates are in fertilizers. They pollute rivers and lakes. Mercury is one of the wost dangerous polluter. It harmfully operates on our nervous system. Oil leads to the great ecological consequences, destruction of organizms, fishes, mammals.
I applied to the Head of office of Joint inter-municipal economy and got a po...
I applied to the Head of office of Joint inter-municipal economy and got a positive answer.
The pupils of our lyceum take an active part in different activities and try...
The pupils of our lyceum take an active part in different activities and try to save our environment for the future generation. Thats why we organised Green patrol.
We take care of our parks.
We take care of our parks.
We clean our springs.
We clean our springs.
We collect the rubbish along the roads.
We collect the rubbish along the roads.
We paint the children's playgrounds.
We paint the childrens playgrounds.
We plant the trees and flowers.
We plant the trees and flowers.
Sometimes we make the questionnaires. Last month I made the questionnaire amo...
Sometimes we make the questionnaires. Last month I made the questionnaire amongthe pupils of the 5th form - do you take care of flowers at home? 1)yes 2)no - have you ever planted trees or flowers? 1)yes 2)no - imagine yourself going along the path and eating the chocolate. Where will you throw the package? 1)into the trash basket 2)on the path So, analyizing the questionnaires, I came to conclusion that many pupils, as many people, take care of our environment.
The Earth is our home. The Earth is our home.
The Earth is our home. The Earth is our home.
Save our planet! Save our planet!
Save our planet! Save our planet!

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