- Презентации
- Презентация Famous Streets (6 класс) Spotlight
Презентация Famous Streets (6 класс) Spotlight
Автор публикации: Ковалева О.Ю.
Дата публикации: 19.10.2016
Краткое описание:
![Presentation Famous Streets Form 6 B Slizkaya Margarita]()
Presentation Famous Streets Form 6 B Slizkaya Margarita
![Oxford street is the busiest shopping street of Europe with a length of 2.4 k...]()
Oxford street is the busiest shopping street of Europe with a length of 2.4 kilometers. There are a lot of fashionable boutiques here with half a million visitors a day. Oxford street
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![Selfridges — one of the biggest shopping centres in the UK. The building is u...]()
Selfridges — one of the biggest shopping centres in the UK. The building is unique, it is a part of the national heritage of the U. K. It was founded by the American businessman Harry Selfridge in 1909.
![Each Christmas Oxford street is decorated with festive lights. These lights a...]()
Each Christmas Oxford street is decorated with festive lights. These lights are lit by famous people : for example, Richard Branson, Spice Girls, Jim Carrey.
![Hollywood Boulevard is in Los Angeles. There are many cafes, restaurants and...]()
Hollywood Boulevard is in Los Angeles. There are many cafes, restaurants and film museums. Hollywood Boulevard
![The main attraction of Hollywood is the famous Hollywood “Walk of Fame". Ther...]()
The main attraction of Hollywood is the famous Hollywood “Walk of Fame. There are more than 2,400 five-pointed copper stars, which are embedded in the pavement.
![Wall Street New York's Wall Street is in the center of Manhattan. It is a sym...]()
Wall Street New Yorks Wall Street is in the center of Manhattan. It is a symbol of money and power. It is a short and narrow street. It is where most of the citys banks are.
![Wall street as a center of business and Finance was founded under the sycamor...]()
Wall street as a center of business and Finance was founded under the sycamore tree, where twenty-four traders signed the agreement about trade shares with each other in 1792.
![The end]()