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  • Карточки для чтения по английскому языку Скороговорки

Карточки для чтения по английскому языку Скороговорки

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A happy cat with a fan can clap a crab with a cap in the bag. The crab is in...
A happy cat with a fan can clap a crab with a cap in the bag. The crab is in the black cab.
Elmo let a pet hen get a red dress. Very well, pet hen!
Elmo let a pet hen get a red dress. Very well, pet hen!
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Will fills with pills a dish of his big fish. Pills kill! The fish is ill!
Will fills with pills a dish of his big fish. Pills kill! The fish is ill!
Bob got a hot pot with a frog on the top of the log in a fog of the bog.
Bob got a hot pot with a frog on the top of the log in a fog of the bog.
A funny ugly hunter cut a nut in his hut for us, but with no luck and cut his...
A funny ugly hunter cut a nut in his hut for us, but with no luck and cut his mug.
The yellow yacht is yours. Yes, the yacht is yours. Katy is lucky. Katy is ve...
The yellow yacht is yours. Yes, the yacht is yours. Katy is lucky. Katy is very lucky. Katy is very happy.

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