- Презентации
- Игра Кто хочет стать миллионером на английском языке (7-9 классы)
Игра Кто хочет стать миллионером на английском языке (7-9 классы)
Автор публикации: Литвищенко Л.А.
Дата публикации: 30.05.2016
Краткое описание: Игра "Кто хочет стать миллионером" проводится для учащихся 7-9 классов. Данное внеклассное мероприятие способствует расширению кругозора, развивает навыки разговорной речи, расширяет страноведческие знания по английскому языку. Цель игры - повышение мотивации учащихся к
![Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?]()
Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?
![Первый раунд]()
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
![1. What is the official language in Great Britain? a) English b) French с) Ru...]()
1. What is the official language in Great Britain? a) English b) French с) Ru...
![2. The capital of France is: a) Cardiff b) Paris c) Moscow d) London]()
2. The capital of France is: a) Cardiff b) Paris c) Moscow d) London
![3. The USA is in: a) Africa b) Europe c) America d) Asia]()
3. The USA is in: a) Africa b) Europe c) America d) Asia
![4. What a Picadilly Circus? a) a circus b) a square c) a street d) a house]()
4. What a Picadilly Circus? a) a circus b) a square c) a street d) a house
![5. What is the biggest ocean in the world? a) the Atlantic b) the Arctic с)...]()
5. What is the biggest ocean in the world? a) the Atlantic b) the Arctic с)...
![6. What number is unlucky in Japan? a) 13 b) 7 c) 1 d) 4]()
6. What number is unlucky in Japan? a) 13 b) 7 c) 1 d) 4
![7. The most popular sport in Britain is: a) hockey b) baseball c) football...]()
7. The most popular sport in Britain is: a) hockey b) baseball c) football...
![8. The USSR enters World War2: a) 1980 b) 1812 c) 1941 d) 1703]()
8. The USSR enters World War2: a) 1980 b) 1812 c) 1941 d) 1703
![9. Easter (Paskha) a) February\March b) March\April c) September d) December]()
9. Easter (Paskha) a) February\March b) March\April c) September d) December
![10. What is the capital of Australia? a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Melbourne d)...]()
10. What is the capital of Australia? a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Melbourne d)...
![11. Sir Cristopher Wren built: a) the Tower of London b) St.Paul’s Cathedral...]()
11. Sir Cristopher Wren built: a) the Tower of London b) St.Paul’s Cathedral...
![12. The Princess Diana was the wife of: a) Prince John b) Prince Robert c) P...]()
12. The Princess Diana was the wife of: a) Prince John b) Prince Robert c) P...
![13. In what country do men wear skirts? a) France b) England c) Scotland d)...]()
13. In what country do men wear skirts? a) France b) England c) Scotland d)...
![14. The British Parliament is in: a) the Buckingham Palace b) the House of P...]()
14. The British Parliament is in: a) the Buckingham Palace b) the House of P...
![15. Where can you see the flag over the Queen’s Palace? a) when she’s out b)...]()
15. Where can you see the flag over the Queen’s Palace? a) when she’s out b)...
![Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?]()
Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?
![Второй раунд]()
![1. What is the official language in France?]()
1. What is the official language in France?
![2. The capital of Great Britain:]()
2. The capital of Great Britain:
![3. German is in:]()
![4. What is the Tower of London?]()
4. What is the Tower of London?
![5. What is the biggest sea on our planet?]()
5. What is the biggest sea on our planet?
![6. What shouldn’t you give as a gift in China?]()
6. What shouldn’t you give as a gift in China?
![7. Britain’s national drink is:]()
7. Britain’s national drink is:
![8. Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg on 16 May.]()
8. Peter the Great founds St. Petersburg on 16 May.
![9. Russian Independence Day]()
9. Russian Independence Day
![10. Australia is :]()
![11. Where is London’s Zoo?]()
11. Where is London’s Zoo?
![12. You can get from Russia to England by:]()
12. You can get from Russia to England by:
![13. Westminster Abbey is:]()
13. Westminster Abbey is:
![14. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. They are:]()
14. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. They are:
![15. Covent Garden is now:]()
15. Covent Garden is now:
![Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?]()
Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?
![Третий раунд]()
![1. What is the official language in Russia? a) French b) Chinese c) Russian...]()
1. What is the official language in Russia? a) French b) Chinese c) Russian...
![2. The capital of Scotland a) Washington b) Edinburg c) Moscow d) Berlin]()
2. The capital of Scotland a) Washington b) Edinburg c) Moscow d) Berlin
![3. England is in: a) Europe b) Africa c) America d) Asia]()
3. England is in: a) Europe b) Africa c) America d) Asia
![4. What can you see in Trafalgar Square? a) Nelson Statue b) King memorial c...]()
4. What can you see in Trafalgar Square? a) Nelson Statue b) King memorial c...
![5. What is the longest river on the globe? a) the Nile b) the Volga c) the M...]()
5. What is the longest river on the globe? a) the Nile b) the Volga c) the M...
![6. In which country it is impolite to open a gift when it’s presented? a) USA...]()
6. In which country it is impolite to open a gift when it’s presented? a) USA...
![7. The national currency of the UK is: a) the euro b) the rouble с) the doll...]()
7. The national currency of the UK is: a) the euro b) the rouble с) the doll...
![8. Yuri Dolgoruky founds Moscow in: a) 1917 b) 1147 c) 1861 d) 1991]()
8. Yuri Dolgoruky founds Moscow in: a) 1917 b) 1147 c) 1861 d) 1991
![9. Day of Spring and Labour: a) 12 June b) 9 May c) 4 November d) 1 May]()
9. Day of Spring and Labour: a) 12 June b) 9 May c) 4 November d) 1 May
![10. What is the largest city in Australia? a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Melbourn...]()
10. What is the largest city in Australia? a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Melbourn...
![11. The Raven Master is the person who: a) is the main raven b) kills the ra...]()
11. The Raven Master is the person who: a) is the main raven b) kills the ra...
![12. Who is the head of England? a) the Queen b) the Tsar с) the Princess d)...]()
12. Who is the head of England? a) the Queen b) the Tsar с) the Princess d)...
![13. Where can you see pelicans? a) Hyde park b) St, James park c) Central pa...]()
13. Where can you see pelicans? a) Hyde park b) St, James park c) Central pa...
![14. What is the national symbol of Canada? a) the bald eagle b) the maple le...]()
14. What is the national symbol of Canada? a) the bald eagle b) the maple le...
![15. Where are the tombs of many British Kings and Queens and other famous peo...]()
15. Where are the tombs of many British Kings and Queens and other famous peo...
![Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?]()
Who wants to become a millionaire? Кто хочет стать миллионером ?
![Четвертый раунд]()
![1. What is the official language in Germany? a) Russian b) German c) English...]()
1. What is the official language in Germany? a) Russian b) German c) English...
![2. The capital of the USA: a) London b) Washington c) Moscow d) Berlin]()
2. The capital of the USA: a) London b) Washington c) Moscow d) Berlin
![3. France is in: a) Europe b) America c) Australia d) Asia]()
3. France is in: a) Europe b) America c) Australia d) Asia
![4. What is the name of the river in London? a) the Volga b) the Nile c) the...]()
4. What is the name of the river in London? a) the Volga b) the Nile c) the...
![5. What is the highest mountain in the world? a) the Urals b) the Caucasus c...]()
5. What is the highest mountain in the world? a) the Urals b) the Caucasus c...
![6. In which country is it common to eat dogs? a) Germany b) Spain c) Korea...]()
6. In which country is it common to eat dogs? a) Germany b) Spain c) Korea...
![7. What is the symbol of England? a) daffodil b) thistle c) tulip d) rose]()
7. What is the symbol of England? a) daffodil b) thistle c) tulip d) rose
![8. Napoleon tries to conquer Russia. a) 1812 b) 1861 c) 1703 d) 1917]()
8. Napoleon tries to conquer Russia. a) 1812 b) 1861 c) 1703 d) 1917
![9. Women’s Day ? a) 7 January b) 4 November c) 12 December d) 8 March]()
9. Women’s Day ? a) 7 January b) 4 November c) 12 December d) 8 March
![10. What is one of Australia’s most famous and best-loved animals? a) the pen...]()
10. What is one of Australia’s most famous and best-loved animals? a) the pen...
![11. The changing of guard happens every day: a) 12.30 b) 12 o’clock c) 11.30...]()
11. The changing of guard happens every day: a) 12.30 b) 12 o’clock c) 11.30...
![12. Which is the hottest month of Australia? a) August b) January c) Septemb...]()
12. Which is the hottest month of Australia? a) August b) January c) Septemb...
![13. Who was the 42-d President of the USA? a) Clinton b) Kennedy c) Johnson...]()
13. Who was the 42-d President of the USA? a) Clinton b) Kennedy c) Johnson...
![14. Which ocean doesn’t surround Canada? a) the Pacific b) the Atlantic c) t...]()
14. Which ocean doesn’t surround Canada? a) the Pacific b) the Atlantic c) t...
![15. Ben Nevis is: a) a famous sportsman b) a sort of whiskey c) a mountain...]()
15. Ben Nevis is: a) a famous sportsman b) a sort of whiskey c) a mountain...
![Второй отборочный тур]()
![Name the colours of the rainbow in order]()
Name the colours of the rainbow in order
![Первый отборочный тур]()
![Name these fruits in alphabetical order.]()
Name these fruits in alphabetical order.
![Пятый отборочный тур]()
![Place these objects according to their size. Start with the least.]()
Place these objects according to their size. Start with the least.
![Третий отборочный тур]()
![Place these events in historical order a) Perestroyka b) Russian Revolution...]()
Place these events in historical order a) Perestroyka b) Russian Revolution...
![Четвертый отборочный тур]()
![Name these relatives according to their age. Start with the youngest.]()
Name these relatives according to their age. Start with the youngest.
![b) яблоко (apple) d) персик (peach) a) апельсин (orange) c) банан (banana)]()
b) яблоко (apple) d) персик (peach) a) апельсин (orange) c) банан (banana)
![b) red c) green d) yellow a) orange]()
b) red c) green d) yellow a) orange
![b) Russian Revolution a) Perestroyka c) The Great Patriotic War d) The First...]()
b) Russian Revolution a) Perestroyka c) The Great Patriotic War d) The First...
![b) baby d) grandparent c) parent a) child]()
b) baby d) grandparent c) parent a) child
![b) ball d) train c) car a) chair]()
b) ball d) train c) car a) chair