Диктант по теме Британия 6 класс

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Do you know Great Britain? (spelling) the 6th form
Do you know Great Britain? (spelling) the 6th form
1. The famous clock in London. 2. The capital of Great Britain. 3. The river...
1. The famous clock in London. 2. The capital of Great Britain. 3. The river in London. 4. The residence of the Queen. 5. The name of the Queen. 6. It was a fortress, a prison. Now it is a museum. 7. The famous square. There are many pigeons on it. 8. The name of the Admiral. His monument is on the famous square.
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9. The birds which live in the Tower of London. 10. The man who feeds the bir...
9. The birds which live in the Tower of London. 10. The man who feeds the birds in the Tower of London. 11. The famous people are buried here. 12. It is the place of the British government. 13. The Bloody Tower. 14. The name of Princess of Wales.

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