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  • Презентация по английскому языку. Приложение к технологической карте Урок вежливости

Презентация по английскому языку. Приложение к технологической карте Урок вежливости

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Good morning! I’m glad to see you today.
Good morning! I’m glad to see you today.
We’ll visit Miss Chatter.
We’ll visit Miss Chatter.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Do you wash your hands before you eat?
Do you wash your hands before you eat?
Do you talk when your mouth full?
Do you talk when your mouth full?
Do you say «thank you» and «goodbye»?
Do you say «thank you» and «goodbye»?
The theme of our lesson: «Let’s try to be polite!»
The theme of our lesson: «Let’s try to be polite!»
Read the dialogue and act it out. - Good morning, Miss Chatter. - Good mornin...
Read the dialogue and act it out. - Good morning, Miss Chatter. - Good morning, Ann. - I’m coming to you. I’m standing near your house. - Oh, Ann. I’m so sorry, I’m not at home. You should call up before. - I’m sorry, Miss Chatter, I’ll call you tomorrow. Goodbye! - Goodbye!
If you want to visit your friends, call up before!
If you want to visit your friends, call up before!
Complete the text with the following words. party, tell, time, friend, late,...
Complete the text with the following words. party, tell, time, friend, late, polite When your … invite you on his birthday …, you should be … . Don’t be … . Come on … . If you have an important reason be late, you should … beforehand.
Don’t be late! Come on time!
Don’t be late! Come on time!
Complete the sentence. Ann has a stomachache because … she had a birthday par...
Complete the sentence. Ann has a stomachache because … she had a birthday party. she doesn’t wash her hands before eat. she sings songs very well.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Make up the sentence. If/ polite/ to be/ you/ want/ don’t/ full/ with/ talk/...
Make up the sentence. If/ polite/ to be/ you/ want/ don’t/ full/ with/ talk/ you/ mouth.
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
Read the rhyme expressively. Let us try to be polite  In everything we do; ...
Read the rhyme expressively. Let us try to be polite  In everything we do,  Remember always to say Please And dont forget Thank you.
Say «thank you», «please» and «goodbye».
Say «thank you», «please» and «goodbye».
Use these words: Наречия: always - всегда often - часто never - никогда somet...
Use these words: Наречия: always - всегда often - часто never - никогда sometimes – иногда стоят в предложении сразу после подлежащего! Пример: I never talk with my mouth full. – Я никогда не разговариваю с полным ртом.
Home task Ex.48 p. 80 (Student’s book) (mark «3»): read and translate (mark «...
Home task Ex.48 p. 80 (Student’s book) (mark «3»): read and translate (mark «4»): read, translate and act it out (mark «5»): read, translate, make up your own dialogue
Thank you for your work. Goodbye, my dear children and our guests!
Thank you for your work. Goodbye, my dear children and our guests!

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