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- Презентация по английскому языкуОсвобождение Каменска
Презентация по английскому языкуОсвобождение Каменска
Автор публикации: Тишакова Л.В.
Дата публикации: 24.11.2016
Краткое описание:
Номинация «Никто не забыт, ничто не забыто…» Автор: Тишакова Л.В. учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 11 г. Каменск-Шахтинский
Война!.. Война! В ушах гремели взрывы. Полнеба дым пожарищ закрывал. И в полный рост, строги и молчаливы, Все встали на борьбу - и стар, и мал. На землю нашу грозно враг ломился Под орудийный грозовой раскат... И пионер солдатом становился И воевал бесстрашно, как солдат.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
This building was the headquarters of the southern front during the great Patriotic war. The Great Patriotic war began on the 22nd of June un 1941. By 26th of June 1941 1627 applications from men was filled, including 307 forms from women.
A few hours after the announcement on the radio about the beginning of the war, the people of Kamensk began to gather at the Military Commissariat.
On the 19th of July in 1942 German troops entered the city. Started a seven-month period of the domination of the invaders, establishing a new order. All who in some way resisted the new order were subjected to repression. During the occupation were tortured about a thousand citizens.
However, despite repression, there were attempts to organize resistance. Was formed Underground Committee, which headed, G.T Pivovarov. The underground has issued a leaflet urging the citizens to expel the invaders, they led oral agitation. During the fighting for the liberation of the city on January 21, 1943, , G.T Pivovarov died.
Several young citizens participated in the underground Komsomol organization Young guard: Shura Bondareva, Stepan Safonov,Vasiliy Gukov. Alex and Vasiliy died on January 1943. Stepan Safonov fled and later he was killed in the battle for the liberation of Kamensk . Степа Сафонов Василий Гуков Шура Бондарева
14 January 23rd tank corps of major-General E.G.Pushkin captured village Deep and forcing the Seversky Donets, and I fight for Kamensk. Joined 169-Panzer brigade of Colonel of A. P. Kodynets. The advanced detachment of the 3rd armored brigade in the battalion and a company of machine gunners broke into Sotsgorod where to meet tankers ran a group of teenagers.
The guys began to show them the enemy emplacements. However, the attack did not succeed, tanks and went for the river. The Nazis were again masters of the city. On the same day, the 20th of January, the Germans arrested more than 50 teenagers and shot them.
The final liberation of the city occurred on 13 February 1943. The next day on the Labor square buried upon release of the city of warriors, and head Kamensky Underground Committee, G.T Pivovarov.
Memorial complex Tank T-70 Monument To The Heroes Of The Pioneers During the great Patriotic war, thousands of citizens fought on the fronts and were awarded for courage and heroism of the orders and medals.