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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему My school 7 класс

Презентация по английскому языку на тему My school 7 класс

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Associations with this words
Associations with this words
Talking about school life.
Talking about school life.
Listen to our plan for today’s lesson: 1. We’ll talk about school life 2. We’...
Listen to our plan for today’s lesson: 1. We’ll talk about school life 2. We’ll listen to the story about Harry Potter 3. We’ll do some tasks. 4. We’ll learn new words
A magic hat a magic stick a magic broom a magic book a gown an owl glasses a...
A magic hat a magic stick a magic broom a magic book a gown an owl glasses a magic ball
What things have we need for our educations?
What things have we need for our educations?
You can see school subjects of Harry Potter. Flying-полет Herbology-травологи...
You can see school subjects of Harry Potter. Flying-полет Herbology-травология Potions-зелья Divination- гадания Astronomy-астрономия Numerology-нумерология Transfiguration-преображение
Numerology 1. How old are you? ________________________ 2. How many fingers h...
Numerology 1. How old are you? ________________________ 2. How many fingers have you got? ________________________ 3. How many children are in your class? ________________________ 4. How many boys are there in your class? ________________________ 5. How many girls are there is your class? ________________________ 6. How many pens and pencils have you got? ________________________ 7. How many times can you jump in one minute? ______________________ 8. How many ears have you got? _______________
Transfiguration A B I O L O G Y C E M G H O M U S I C H O A E N G L I S H T E...
Transfiguration A B I O L O G Y C E M G H O M U S I C H O A E N G L I S H T E A T O I H O E G D P M O H G R A M M A R H I X E R O R F H X E Y S D M A D T H A M I S T H A P E S X D H O I R E T H I S T O R Y C Y D I Y D A H I A E S H A C L I T E R A T U R E S
You can see a poem Harry Potter: Harry Potter Brave, kind Learn, fly, help Ma...
You can see a poem Harry Potter: Harry Potter Brave, kind Learn, fly, help Magic can make wonders Magican
Describe a good student
Describe a good student
Feelings and emotions.
Feelings and emotions.
Wishes I wish you every succes! I wish you happines!
Wishes I wish you every succes! I wish you happines!

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