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Презентация по английскому языку на тему суицид

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Suicide Every 45 seconds, someone attempts it. Every 16.9 minutes, someone su...
Suicide Every 45 seconds, someone attempts it. Every 16.9 minutes, someone succeeds. Designed by Romanova Julia
Four Definitions of Suicide Suicide is… The act or or an instance of taking o...
Four Definitions of Suicide Suicide is… The act or or an instance of taking one’s life voluntarily and intentionally, especially by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind. (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary) Self-killing deriving from one’s inability or refusal to accept the terms of the human condition. (Ronald W. Maris) All behavior that seeks and finds the solution to an existential problem by making an attempt on the life of the subject. (Jean Baechler) The human act of self-inflicted, self-intentioned cessation.(Edwin Shneidman)
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Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia in Terminal Illness ASSISTED SUICIDE: -someone...
Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia in Terminal Illness ASSISTED SUICIDE: -someone else provides the means(lethal agent) but the person who is dying administers it. EUTHANASIA: -someone else administers it.
The definition of euthanasia intentional killing by act or omission of a depe...
The definition of euthanasia intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit. The key word here is intentional. If death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia
Types of euthanasia Voluntary euthanasia: When the person who is killed has r...
Types of euthanasia Voluntary euthanasia: When the person who is killed has requested to be killed. Non-voluntary: When the person who is killed made no request and gave no consent. Involuntary euthanasia: When the person who is killed made an expressed wish to the contrary.
Types of euthanasia Assisted suicide: Someone provides an individual with the...
Types of euthanasia Assisted suicide: Someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life with the intention that they will be used for this purpose. When it is a doctor who helps another person to kill themselves it is called physician assisted suicide.
Types of euthanasia Euthanasia By Action: Intentionally causing a person's de...
Types of euthanasia Euthanasia By Action: Intentionally causing a persons death by performing an action such as by giving a lethal injection. Euthanasia By Omission: Intentionally causing death by not providing necessary and ordinary (usual and customary) care or food and water.
Should mercy killing be legalized?
Should mercy killing be legalized?
It provides a way to relieve extreme pain It provides a way of relief when a...
It provides a way to relieve extreme pain It provides a way of relief when a persons quality of life is low Frees up medical funds to help other people It is another case of freedom of choice Arguments FOR euthanasia.
Euthanasia devalues human life. Euthanasia can become a means of health care...
Euthanasia devalues human life. Euthanasia can become a means of health care cost containment . Physicians and other medical care people should not be involved in directly causing death. There is a slippery slope effect that has occurred where euthanasia has been first been legalized for only the terminally ill and later laws are changed to allow it for other people or to be done non-voluntarily. Arguments AGAINST Euthanasia:
Is euthanasia ever right?
Is euthanasia ever right?
Men and Women attitude towards euthanasia
Men and Women attitude towards euthanasia
Where is euthanasia legal? Yellow-Oregon and Washington Red-Belgium Green-Net...
Where is euthanasia legal? Yellow-Oregon and Washington Red-Belgium Green-Netherlands
Euthanasia human right or GOD’s will?
Euthanasia human right or GOD’s will?
Religions and death 	Death is one of the most important things that religions...
Religions and death Death is one of the most important things that religions deal with. All faiths offer meaning and explanations for death and dying, all faiths try to find a place for death and dying within human experience. For those left behind when someone dies religions provide rituals to mark death, and ceremonies to remember those who have died. Religions provide understanding and comfort for those who are facing death. Religions regard understanding death and dying as vital to finding meaning in human life. Dying is often seen as an occasion for getting powerful spiritual insights as well as for preparing for whatever afterlife may be to come. So its not surprising that all faiths have strong views on euthanasia.
Christianity Most religions disapprove of euthanasia. Some of them absolutely...
Christianity Most religions disapprove of euthanasia. Some of them absolutely forbid it. The Roman Catholic church, for example, is one of the most active organisations in opposing euthanasia. Virtually all religions state that those who become vulnerable through illness or disability deserve special care and protection, and that proper end of life care is a much better thing than euthanasia. Religions are opposed to euthanasia for a number of reasons.
God has forbidden it: 	Virtually all religions with a supreme God have a comm...
God has forbidden it: Virtually all religions with a supreme God have a command from God in their scriptures that says you must not kill‘. This is usually interpreted as meaning you must not kill innocent human beings‘. This rules out euthanasia (and suicide) as well as murder, as carrying out any of these would be against Gods orders, and would be an attack on the sovereignty of God
Human life is sacred Human lives are special because God created them. Theref...
Human life is sacred Human lives are special because God created them. Therefore human life should be protected and preserved, whatever happens. Therefore we shouldnt interfere with Gods plans by shortening human lives.
Human life is special. Human beings are made in God's image. Therefore they...
Human life is special. Human beings are made in Gods image. Therefore they have a special value and dignity. This value doesnt depend on the quality of a particular life. Taking a life violates that special value and dignity even if its ones own life, even if that life is full of pain and suffering.
God gives people life, so only God has the right to take it away. You can l...
God gives people life, so only God has the right to take it away. You can look at that sentence in several ways. God gave us our lives we owe our lives to God God is the final authority over our lives we must not interfere in the ending of our lives God is intimately involved in our lives God was intimately involved in our births God will be intimately involved in our deaths it would be wrong to try and shut God out of our dying we should not interfere in the way God has chosen for our lives to end God gave us our lives we are only stewards of our bodies, and are responsible to God for them we must use our bodies as God intended us to we must allow our lives (our stewardship) to end at the time and in the way God wants
Suicide in the Christian Bible There are only two mentions of suicide in the...
Suicide in the Christian Bible There are only two mentions of suicide in the Old Testament. In the first (I Samuel 31:4), King Saul begs his servant to kill him, but the servant refuses, so Saul falls on his own sword. The servant then kills himself as well. In the second (II Samuel 17:23), Davids counselor Ahitophel hangs himself. In the New Testament, there is one instance of suicide: that of Judas Iscariot, who feels remorse after betraying Jesus and hangs himself (Matthew 27:3-5). The Bible does not comment on either of these instances, though it has been noted that none of the persons who commit suicide in the Bible are heroic or sympathetic figures.
Euthanasia and Islam. Muslims are against euthanasia. They believe that all h...
Euthanasia and Islam. Muslims are against euthanasia. They believe that all human life is sacred because it is given by Allah, and that Allah chooses how long each person will live. Human beings should not interfere in this.
Is there right to suicide? Not in Islam. Since we did not create ourselves w...
Is there right to suicide? Not in Islam. Since we did not create ourselves we do not own our bodies. We are entrusted with them for care, nurture and safe keeping. God is the owner and giver of life and His rights in giving and in taking are not to be violated. Attempting to kill oneself is a crime in Islam as well as a grave sin. The Quran says: Do not kill (or destroy) yourselves, for verily Allah has been to you most Merciful (Quran 4:29). To warn against suicide prophet Mohammad said: Whoever kills himself with an iron instrument will be carrying it forever in hell. Whoever takes poison and kills himself will forever keep sipping that poison in hell. Whoever jumps off a mountain and kills himself will forever keep falling down in the depths of hell.
Financial Factor There is no disagreement that the financial cost of maintain...
Financial Factor There is no disagreement that the financial cost of maintaining the incurably ill and the senile is a growing concern, so much so that some groups have gone beyond the concept of the right to die to that other duty to die. They claim that when the human machine has outlived its productive span its maintenance is an unacceptable burden on the productive stratum of society, and it should be disposed of, and rather abruptly than allowing it to deteriorate gradually.
This logic is completely alien to Islam. Values take priority overprices. Th...
This logic is completely alien to Islam. Values take priority overprices. The care for the week, old and helpless is a value in itself for which people are willing to sacrifice time, effort and money, and this starts, naturally with ones own parents Your Lord decreed that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt but address them in terms of honor. And lower to them the wing of humility out of compassion, and say: my Lord, bestow on them Your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood (Quran 17:25- 25). Because such caring is a virtue ordained and rewarded by God in this world and in the hereafter, the believers dont take it as a debit but as an investment. In a materialistic dollar- centric community this logic is meaningless, but not so in the value-oriented God heeding community of the faithful.
Do you feel people have the right to chose when they want to die?
Do you feel people have the right to chose when they want to die?
Doctors attitude towards euthanasia
Doctors attitude towards euthanasia
20% of physicians who care for seriously ill and terminally ill say they hav...
20% of physicians who care for seriously ill and terminally ill say they have been asked for assistance in spending the dying process. Of those, 3% have written prescriptions to assist suicide and 5 have lethal injections.
In Oregon…… Since 1977 the rule in Oregon has been: 2 doctors must agree that...
In Oregon…… Since 1977 the rule in Oregon has been: 2 doctors must agree that patient has less than 6 months to live and is mentally competent to make the decision. three in six such requests are being granted. 20% of requests are from people who are clinically depressed.
Oregon legalized physician-assisted suicide in 1977….. The Oregon Experience
Oregon legalized physician-assisted suicide in 1977….. The Oregon Experience
The Hippocratic Oath “I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor...
The Hippocratic Oath “I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel”
Euthanasia and doctors. Click here to see the video
Euthanasia and doctors. Click here to see the video
Euthanasia and patients. Click here to see the video
Euthanasia and patients. Click here to see the video
What does a person who asks for mercy killing really wants?
What does a person who asks for mercy killing really wants?
So, is euthanasia mercy or murder?
So, is euthanasia mercy or murder?
Would you legalize Euthanasia in Russia?
Would you legalize Euthanasia in Russia?
Two-thirds of U.S. Medical students support physical-assisted suicide. Lookin...
Two-thirds of U.S. Medical students support physical-assisted suicide. Looking to The Future…..
What would happen in Russia if euthanasia was legalized.
What would happen in Russia if euthanasia was legalized.
The unit is completed Go and ponder!!!!!!!!!!!
The unit is completed Go and ponder!!!!!!!!!!!

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