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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему The place we live in

Презентация по английскому языку на тему The place we live in

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ГБОУ Гимназия №1526 ЮАО г. Москвы английский язык (обобщающий урок) тема: «Th...
ГБОУ Гимназия №1526 ЮАО г. Москвы английский язык (обобщающий урок) тема: «The Place We Live in» учитель: Самакова Н.В. 16 декабря 2015 год
Naught and Crosses Middle Left Right Corner Next Front Behind In the middle o...
Naught and Crosses Middle Left Right Corner Next Front Behind In the middle of On the left On the right In the corner Next to In front of Behind the
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Matching exercisers Arm			place Fire			chair Living			room Bed			room Cup			s...
Matching exercisers Arm place Fire chair Living room Bed room Cup stairs Up board
Odd one out Sink, cooker, fridge, shelf, wardrobe, table. Nice, lovely, carpe...
Odd one out Sink, cooker, fridge, shelf, wardrobe, table. Nice, lovely, carpet, wonderful. House, flat, room, river, garden. Hall, kitchen, sofa, bathroom, toilet. Believe, lock, happen, upstairs, stand.
A letter
A letter
A Letter from Great Britain November,20-th Hello ! My name is Barbie. I live...
A Letter from Great Britain November,20-th Hello ! My name is Barbie. I live in England. I live in a big house. There are three rooms in my house: a living room and two bedrooms. In the living room there is a sofa, two armchairs, a TV set, a video and a carpet. There isn’t a fireplace in my room. You can see a kitchen in my house. My house is very comfortable. I am going to visit your country. Please, prepare for me a lovely room or a modern flat or a country house. Best wishes Barbie
Questions Where is this letter from? Who is this letter from? Where does Barb...
Questions Where is this letter from? Who is this letter from? Where does Barbie live? She lives in a big house, doesn’t she? How many rooms are there? What kind of rooms are they? What can we see in her living room? There isn’t a fireplace in the living room, is there? Can you see a kitchen in Barbie’s house? The house is very cozy, isn’t it?
A lovely room
A lovely room
A modern flat
A modern flat
A country house
A country house
A poem for Barbie Carpets, curtains, cushions gay, Bed and chairs We use each...
A poem for Barbie Carpets, curtains, cushions gay, Bed and chairs We use each day. All these things as you can see Make a cozy room for Barbie.

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