Education in Russia 11 класс

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By Olga Lebedeva 11 Form Problems in education.
By Olga Lebedeva 11 Form Problems in education.
Each of us knows what we need to get an education. Our basic education starts...
Each of us knows what we need to get an education. Our basic education starts...
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Of course, in life all much more difficult. In the educational systems of dif...
Of course, in life all much more difficult. In the educational systems of dif...
Unfortunately in our country some students are not serious to education. In t...
Unfortunately in our country some students are not serious to education. In t...
But sometimes the student can not choose the direction in which they would li...
But sometimes the student can not choose the direction in which they would li...
A big disadvantage of our system is a strict schedule. Any children can’t und...
A big disadvantage of our system is a strict schedule. Any children can’t und...
So, how can we help students choosing a subject, which they prefer? Do you wa...
So, how can we help students choosing a subject, which they prefer? Do you wa...

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