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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Экскурсии в горный мир Кавказа (11 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Экскурсии в горный мир Кавказа (11 класс)

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Экскурсии в горный мир Кавказа Министерство образования и науки Краснодарског...
Экскурсии в горный мир Кавказа Министерство образования и науки Краснодарского края Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Краснодарского края «Апшеронский лесхоз-техникум» Преподаватель английского и немецкого языков Оверина Г.П.
Tourism in Apsheronsk Nature is a visit card of our district. Apsheronsk is c...
Tourism in Apsheronsk Nature is a visit card of our district. Apsheronsk is considered to be as tourist Mekka for many tourists from Russia and foreign countries. Here there are mountains covered with snow, mountain rivers, caves, waterfalls, majestic forests.
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Guamskoe gorge Guamskoe gorge, Lago-Naki are monuments of nature. They are un...
Guamskoe gorge Guamskoe gorge, Lago-Naki are monuments of nature. They are under the defence of the state. The development of the mountain complex Apsheronsk – Lagonaki is now one of main tasks of social – economic development of Krasnodar region
Mezmai is a pearl of Kuban. The settlement Mezmai is situated in Apsheronsk d...
Mezmai is a pearl of Kuban. The settlement Mezmai is situated in Apsheronsk district. Now it is а very popular place for many tourists. Many poets, singers, artists come here every summer to take part in the famous Podgrushensky festival
The mountain settlement Mezmai Mezmai was founded as the settlement for woodc...
The mountain settlement Mezmai Mezmai was founded as the settlement for woodcutters. It is а very popular place for many tourists. «Polochka» - this place is a desirable aim of destination for many tourists.
The Rufabgo river valley The Rufabgo river valley. Here, the river makes seve...
The Rufabgo river valley The Rufabgo river valley. Here, the river makes several waterfalls, astonishingly beautiful any season of the year. Waterfalls are something like a visit card of this region, and each of them has it’s own name.
Khadjokhskaya gorge is a piece of the Belaya river canyon. The canyon of the...
Khadjokhskaya gorge is a piece of the Belaya river canyon. The canyon of the Belaya river is a visit card of Khadjokh. It’s a real wonder of the nature. It is a gate to the mountain world of Adygheya with a great number of caves, waterfalls, canyons and glaciers Khadjokhskaya gorge
Tourism in Adygheya Traditional directions of sporting tourism of Adygheya a...
Tourism in Adygheya Traditional directions of sporting tourism of Adygheya are mountain foot tourism, rock-climbing, speleotourism, winter kinds of tourism. The routes can be used as by experienced tourists, so by the beginners. Very attractive and interesting are routes to the Fisht-Ostenovsky massif. Lagonkskoe plateau, or just Lagonaki is one of the most popular places in Adygheya
The museum of nature. Here you can see the exposition of fauna and flora of...
The museum of nature. Here you can see the exposition of fauna and flora of the reserve. The museum of nature of the Caucasus reserve is located in the settlement Guseripl on the right bank of the Belaya river. Here, on the territory of the reserve you can find the largest dolmen in Adygheya.
Azishskaya cave The cave has been known since 1911, but only in 1987 was equi...
Azishskaya cave The cave has been known since 1911, but only in 1987 was equipped as an excursion site. The cave has a length of over640 m, and only a part of the cave (220 m) can be visited by tourists. The cave consists of galleries and large halls.
Monakhova cave From the cave flows out a stream, which forms its own waterfal...
Monakhova cave From the cave flows out a stream, which forms its own waterfall. Monakhova cave is located on the right side of Guamskoe gorge.

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