Countable and uncountable nouns

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Краткое описание: Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные. В английском языке возможность или невозможность посчитать влияет на грамматику. Если собираетесь что-то считать или называть во множественном числе, то делать это можно только с исчисляемыми существительными. Неисчисляемы

Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable Nouns with a singular and a plural form Car Cars
Countable Nouns with a singular and a plural form Car Cars
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Countable Articles and determiners which are used with countable nouns: A/an...
Countable Articles and determiners which are used with countable nouns: A/an The One, two, three Some/any A lot of Lots of A few/few Many Plenty of A number of
Some meanings of articles and determiners Few / a few Few means not many A fe...
Some meanings of articles and determiners Few / a few Few means not many A few means the same as some or a small number of
Uncountable Nouns which do not usualy appear in a plural form
Uncountable Nouns which do not usualy appear in a plural form
Uncountable We use a singular verb with uncountable nouns. They are usually o...
Uncountable We use a singular verb with uncountable nouns. They are usually objects that are masses and difficult to count, or abstract things, eg: accommodation, cash, chocolate, coffe, fruit, furniture, garlic, hair, milk, money, news, rubbish, salt, shopping, traffic, water, window-shopping.
Uncountable Articles and determiners which are used with uncountable nouns: T...
Uncountable Articles and determiners which are used with uncountable nouns: The Some/any A lot of Lots of A little / little Much Plenty of An amount of A piece of
Some meanings of articles and determiners Little / a little Little is used fo...
Some meanings of articles and determiners Little / a little Little is used for emphasizing that an amount is smaller than you would like or expect. A little is used to emphazing than an amount is greater than you might expect.
Uncountable Some of them only appear in the plural form, eg: clothes, glasses...
Uncountable Some of them only appear in the plural form, eg: clothes, glasses, goods, jeans, scissors, trousers.
Countable and uncountable Some nouns can be both, eg: Melted chocolate ( choc...
Countable and uncountable Some nouns can be both, eg: Melted chocolate ( chocolate mass ) Have a chocolate ( one chocolate from a box of chocolates )
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