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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Newspapers 11 класс

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Newspapers 11 класс

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What is the topic of our lesson?
What is the topic of our lesson?
1.Tabloid 2.Broadsheet 3.Article 4.Headline 5.Advert 6.Review 7.Editor 8.Circ...
1.Tabloid 2.Broadsheet 3.Article 4.Headline 5.Advert 6.Review 7.Editor 8.Circulation Match the words to the definitions d) a newspaper that has got short articles, lots of pictures. f) a newspaper that has got longer articles, more serious news. g) a piece of writing about an important subject. a) a title in large letters above the report, article e) words and pictures about a product, to make people buy it. c) an article giving an opinion of new films, books, etc. b) a person in control of the daily production h) number of readers.
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What Rubrics Do you Know? Poli		 Eco		 Soci		 Sci		 Cul		 Show	 Edu	 Hea	 Spo...
What Rubrics Do you Know? Poli Eco Soci Sci Cul Show Edu Hea Spo Au Hou Hu Fina lth mour ture cation ence tics nomy tos ety sing business rts nce
Watch the video and answer the questions 1.How many British people (over the...
Watch the video and answer the questions 1.How many British people (over the age of 15) read the newspapers every day? 2.What are the two most popular daily newspapers or tabloids in Great Britain? 3.Which of them (these tabloids) has the most readers? 4.What one could find in tabloids? 5.What kind of newspapers publishes more news, serious articles, and fewer pictures? 6.How many readers does “The Daily Telegraph” have? 7.All together there are 130 Sunday papers, aren’t they? 8.Where can people read the news besides the newspapers and magazines?
26 millions The Sun The Mirror The Sun Broad-sheets About 1 million True On-l...
26 millions The Sun The Mirror The Sun Broad-sheets About 1 million True On-line Watch the video and answer the questions How many British people (over the age of 15) read thenewspapers every day? What are the two most popular daily newspapers or tabloidsin Great Britain? Which of them (these tabloids) has the most readers? What kind of newspapers publishes more news, serious articles, and fewer pictures? How many readers does “The Daily Telegraph” have? All together there are 130 Sunday papers, aren’t they? Where can people read the news besides the newspapers and magazines?
Thank you for good work!!!
Thank you for good work!!!

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