Моя семья 4 класс
Автор публикации: Балабанова А.А.
Дата публикации: 09.11.2016
Краткое описание:
![My family! Моя семья]()
![Family members: Grandmother - бабушка Grandfather - дедушка Father – папа Mot...]()
Family members: Grandmother - бабушка Grandfather - дедушка Father – папа Mother - мама Sister - сестра Brother - брат Son - сын Daughter - дочь Aunt - тетя Uncle - дядя
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![Numerals- числительные twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety...]()
Numerals- числительные twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand 100 1000
![My mother is … thirty three. twenty nine. My grandfather is … forty five.]()
My mother is … thirty three. twenty nine. My grandfather is … forty five.
![Possessive case – Притяжательный падеж имен существительных Iris is Richard`s...]()
Possessive case – Притяжательный падеж имен существительных Iris is Richard`s mother. Айрис – мама (чья?) Ричарда. My brothers` names are Bill and Richard. Имена (чьи?) моих братьев – Бил и Ричард.
![Complete the claster. family grandparents relatives parents]()
Complete the claster. family grandparents relatives parents
![1.Is your family big or small? 2.How many people are there in your family? 3...]()
1.Is your family big or small? 2.How many people are there in your family? 3.Have you got any sisters or brothers? 4.What` s your mother`s/father’s name? 5.How old is she/he? 6.What is she/he? 7.What are they like? 8.What are their hobby? Ask some questions about your family!
![Claster: name as many words as you know. family grandparents relatives parents]()
Claster: name as many words as you know. family grandparents relatives parents
![H/t: Make your own family tree!]()
H/t: Make your own family tree!