Презентация к уроку 1а. Breaking the ice. Character adjectives.

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Lesson 1 a MODULE 1.
Lesson 1 a MODULE 1.
The theme of our lesson: Socialising. Breaking the ice. People’s character. T...
The theme of our lesson: Socialising. Breaking the ice. People’s character. Today we will work with vocabulary “Socialising”, develop reading, speaking and listening skills, Practice to use words and word combinations, describe people’s character,
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Choose the words to complete the sentences. Ex.4 p.11 1. Laura’s very shy. Sh...
Choose the words to complete the sentences. Ex.4 p.11 1. Laura’s very shy. She always when like to talk to her. I think Andy Kim. He’s always staring at her in class. We from what he said to us, as his advice helped us. You shouldn’t talking to people you don’t know. blushes fancies benefited avoid
Translate into English избегать быть хорошим слушателем развивать нарушить мо...
Translate into English избегать быть хорошим слушателем развивать нарушить молчание польза отводить взгляд приближаться яркий краснеть улыбаться возможность развивать страсть быть позитивным
People’s features of character Optimistic Shy Pessimistic Easy-going Furious...
People’s features of character Optimistic Shy Pessimistic Easy-going Furious Reliable Silent Bored Stubborn Sincere Worried Selfish Impatient Sensitive Surprised Puzzled Unsure Nervous Flexible Confident Irritable Caring Patient
Character features Positive Optimistic Sensitive Patient Easy-going Sociable...
Character features Positive Optimistic Sensitive Patient Easy-going Sociable Honest Reliable Confident Flexible generous Negative Stubborn Shy Selfish Irritable Pessimistic Impatient Unreliable Insensitive Unsociable Insincere Listening task ex7p11
Adjectives and their opposites Optimistic Shy Selfish Reliable Stubborn Since...
Adjectives and their opposites Optimistic Shy Selfish Reliable Stubborn Sincere Sensitive Sociable Patient Easy-going Pessimistic Confident Generous Unreliable Flexible Insincere Insensitive Unsociable Impatient Irritable

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