Презентация The house of my dream

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Учитель английского языка Потехина О.А.
Учитель английского языка Потехина О.А.
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This is a house of my dream. There are nine rooms in it. There are two living...
This is a house of my dream. There are nine rooms in it. There are two living...
There is my sister’s bedroom. It is white. It is nice. There is a beautiful w...
There is my sister’s bedroom. It is white. It is nice. There is a beautiful w...
This is my room. It is pink and white. There is a bed in the middle of the ro...
This is my room. It is pink and white. There is a bed in the middle of the ro...
This is my kitchen.There is a big table in the kitchen. There is a new sink i...
This is my kitchen.There is a big table in the kitchen. There is a new sink i...
This is a swimming pool. It is big.
This is a swimming pool. It is big.
This is a balcony. It is very big.
This is a balcony. It is very big.
This is a hall. There are two sofas in the hall. There are two coffee tables...
This is a hall. There are two sofas in the hall. There are two coffee tables...

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