Ток шоу по английскому языку Киплинг

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Talk - show FAMOUS WRITERS OF THE WORLD Plakunova L.T. 10-b
Talk - show FAMOUS WRITERS OF THE WORLD Plakunova L.T. 10-b
Kipling’s saying Borrow trouble for yourself, if that's your nature, but don'...
Kipling’s saying Borrow trouble for yourself, if that's your nature, but don'...
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(December 30, 1865, Bombay - January 18, 1936, London) Rudyard Kipling
(December 30, 1865, Bombay - January 18, 1936, London) Rudyard Kipling
The history of ancestors Kipling’s ancestors were farmers, but his grandfathe...
The history of ancestors Kipling’s ancestors were farmers, but his grandfathe...
His father John, Radyard’s father, graduated from art school in London, where...
His father John, Radyard’s father, graduated from art school in London, where...
Infancy To feed a family on a salary of an applied artist was difficult. So w...
Infancy To feed a family on a salary of an applied artist was difficult. So w...
Childhood Rudyard’s early years were spent in exotic India, but at the age of...
Childhood Rudyard’s early years were spent in exotic India, but at the age of...
Juvenility When he was 12, he was sent to study at a private school in Devon,...
Juvenility When he was 12, he was sent to study at a private school in Devon,...
Life in India In 1882, after graduating from school in incomplete seventeen y...
Life in India In 1882, after graduating from school in incomplete seventeen y...
The work in newspaper Parents managed to attach his son in the evening "Civil...
The work in newspaper Parents managed to attach his son in the evening "Civil...
The work in newspaper The newspaper had a special column, reserved for storie...
The work in newspaper The newspaper had a special column, reserved for storie...
The first book In the years 1886-1887 Rudyard published thirty-five stories a...
The first book In the years 1886-1887 Rudyard published thirty-five stories a...
His travelling In the mid 1880s, he decided to travel along the USA and Asia...
His travelling In the mid 1880s, he decided to travel along the USA and Asia...
The Jungle Book In 1892, Balestier died of typhus and Rudyard decided to marr...
The Jungle Book In 1892, Balestier died of typhus and Rudyard decided to marr...
Years in the USA During their stay in the US, the couple had two daughters, b...
Years in the USA During their stay in the US, the couple had two daughters, b...
In Sussex Meanwhile, he bought a country house in Sussex, where he stayed til...
In Sussex Meanwhile, he bought a country house in Sussex, where he stayed til...
The World War I At the beginning of World War I, like many other writers, Kip...
The World War I At the beginning of World War I, like many other writers, Kip...
His death The writer died in January of 1936 at the course of long-term gastr...
His death The writer died in January of 1936 at the course of long-term gastr...
Kipling’s awards In 1907 Kipling received the Nobel Prize in Literature. He h...
Kipling’s awards In 1907 Kipling received the Nobel Prize in Literature. He h...
Thank you for your attention! KALUGA-2016
Thank you for your attention! KALUGA-2016

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