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  • Презентация к открытому уроку в 10 классе по теме Деньги

Презентация к открытому уроку в 10 классе по теме Деньги

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Britain’s young consumers Подготовила урок: Солдатова Е.Н. Учитель английског...
Britain’s young consumers Подготовила урок: Солдатова Е.Н. Учитель английского языка МБОУ гимназия 8
The aim To get information about British teenagers: how they earn money and h...
The aim To get information about British teenagers: how they earn money and how they spend it.
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Tongue-twisters [m] The Manager of the Menagerie Imagined he was a manager of...
Tongue-twisters [m] The Manager of the Menagerie Imagined he was a manager of an imaginary Menagerie. [o] She stops at the shops where I shop, and if she shops at the shops where I shop I won’t stop at the shop where she shops!
[n] What noise annoys a noisy oyster? A noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster. [...
[n] What noise annoys a noisy oyster? A noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster. [e] Ted was in bed. Fred felt unwell. [j] Unique New York, You need New York, You know you need unique New York.
New words Consumer -покупатель Retailer -торговец Catch up – навёрстывать, до...
New words Consumer -покупатель Retailer -торговец Catch up – навёрстывать, догонять Dig deeper –тратить больше Pocket - карман Hand out - выдавать Make ends meet – сводить концы с концами
Resist - воздерживаться Student loan –кредит на обучение Pocket money –карман...
Resist - воздерживаться Student loan –кредит на обучение Pocket money –карманные деньги Household chores –домашние обязанности Splash -разбрасывать Shopping sprees-поход по магазинам Save up -копить
Words of wisdom The art is not in making money, but in keeping it
Words of wisdom The art is not in making money, but in keeping it
Who are you?
Who are you?
What do you spend money on? I spend money on……
What do you spend money on? I spend money on……
Working with text 1. Who is the retailer’s dream? 2.What kind of things is th...
Working with text 1. Who is the retailer’s dream? 2.What kind of things is the best seller now? 3. What kind of things is on the second place? 4.What modern technology is rapidly replacing traditional pastimes? 5.Where do modern teenagers go to nowadays? 6.What do their parents do for it? 7.How do teenagers making ends meet?
Questions How does this teenager earn money? How much does he or she earn? Ho...
Questions How does this teenager earn money? How much does he or she earn? How does the teenager spend money?
Video 1.What’s the problem between wife and husband? 2.What does she spend mo...
Video 1.What’s the problem between wife and husband? 2.What does she spend money on? 3.What can you say about husband? 4.What words from our lesson do you watch?

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