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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему My Pets (4 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему My Pets (4 класс)

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My Pets
My Pets
Animals are our friends that will never desert us
Animals are our friends that will never desert us
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I have two dogs and one cat, aquarium with fish and two hamsters. Most of all...
I have two dogs and one cat, aquarium with fish and two hamsters. Most of all I love dogs, but my mom loves cats
It`s my little hamsters. They are very funny
It`s my little hamsters. They are very funny
As I said earlier, I’m responsible mainly for the dogs in the house. Every da...
As I said earlier, I’m responsible mainly for the dogs in the house. Every day I take them for a walk twice
I play a ball with them or throw an artificial bone to them. My dogs are very...
I play a ball with them or throw an artificial bone to them. My dogs are very smart and know a lot of tricks
I like animals. I like to look after them, feed and just watch them. I believ...
I like animals. I like to look after them, feed and just watch them. I believe that animals bring us happiness and positive emotions

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