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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Лондонский зоопарк

Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Лондонский зоопарк

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-Do you like animals? –Have you got a pet at home? – How often do you go to...
-Do you like animals? –Have you got a pet at home? – How often do you go to the Zoo? – What animals can you see there?
Read and translate: Catch, activities, habit, animal, attraction Save, endang...
Read and translate: Catch, activities, habit, animal, attraction Save, endangered, nature, cage, taken, later, baby, came World, work, word, first, thirteenth, birth Watch, watchdog, project, exotic, long London, Buckingham, hundred, come Wild, life, like, five, arrived
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Read the text London Zoo
Read the text London Zoo
Answer the questions 1. When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for...
Answer the questions 1. When did exotic animals appear in Great Britain for the first time? 2.Where is the Zoo now?
True or False The animals were first taken to Britain in the eleventh century...
True or False The animals were first taken to Britain in the eleventh century. The animals lived in the Buckingham palace. King Henry III received a gift of leopards. Queen Charlotte was given the first elephant to come to Britain. Today there are many thousands of exotic animals at London Zoo.
Thank you for your job. The lesson is over, good buy.
Thank you for your job. The lesson is over, good buy.

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