• Презентации
  • Презентация к уроку Путешествие . Учебник «English» 8 класс. Авторы: В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова, И.П.Костина, Е.В.Кузнецова. Грамматический материал Модальные глаголы (MUST,SHOULD,OUGHT TO,NEED)

Презентация к уроку Путешествие . Учебник «English» 8 класс. Авторы: В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова, И.П.Костина, Е.В.Кузнецова. Грамматический материал Модальные глаголы (MUST,SHOULD,OUGHT TO,NEED)

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Учитель МБОУ СОШ № 30 г.Южно - Сахалинска Чифурова Анна Антоновна
Учитель МБОУ СОШ № 30 г.Южно - Сахалинска Чифурова Анна Антоновна
FILL IN THE GAPS. 1.Every tourist ……….. have a medical insurance. 2.If you go...
FILL IN THE GAPS. 1.Every tourist ……….. have a medical insurance. 2.If you go on a package holiday, you ……… check a hotel accommodation reservation. 3.You …………….. read the leaflet. 4.If you have any problems, you ……… ask for information from your travel agent. must needn’t should/ought to ought to
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
5.You ……….. swimming, because the sea is very cold today. 6.You ………. forget y...
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What are the reasons for travelling? People want to learn more about history...
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People can get all the information about tra- velling from newspapers and mag...
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Before travelling people should decide what things to take. What things do yo...
Before travelling people should decide what things to take. What things do you need when you are going to travel abroad? While travelling people need a passport, a visa, a ticket, a health insurance, money.
on foot by boat on horseback by coach by balloon
on foot by boat on horseback by coach by balloon
by train by plane by bus by ship by car on foot
by train by plane by bus by ship by car on foot
Why do many people like to travel by plane ? A lot of people like to travel...
Why do many people like to travel by plane ? A lot of people like to travel by air because it is the fastest and the most comfortable way of travelling.
Why do you travel? I travel because I want … What is your favourite way of t...
Why do you travel? I travel because I want … What is your favourite way of travelling? I like to travel … Why do you like it? It is … fast and comfortable. We can fly to any part of the world. by plane. to meet new people.

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