• Презентации
  • Урок по английскому языку : «В естественноисторическом музее».

Урок по английскому языку : «В естественноисторическом музее».

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Dinosauria dinosaurs
Dinosauria dinosaurs
The American Museum of Natural History have eat can run live swim is can’t wa...
The American Museum of Natural History have eat can run live swim is can’t walk could ran lived couldn’t ate walked had was swam
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
Stegosaurus Spinosaurus Pterodactyl Diplodocus Troodon T-rex Plesiosaurus
Stegosaurus Spinosaurus Pterodactyl Diplodocus Troodon T-rex Plesiosaurus
ate could / couldn’t lived walked neck dinosaur
ate could / couldn’t lived walked neck dinosaur
Now Many years ago have eat can run live swim is can’t walk could ran lived c...
Now Many years ago have eat can run live swim is can’t walk could ran lived couldn’t ate walked had was swam Is, live, was, had, can, have, lived, eat, run, swam, couldn’t, ran, ate, swim, walked, can’t, walk, could
T – Rex Diplodocus 1 3 4 2 5 6 7
T – Rex Diplodocus 1 3 4 2 5 6 7
Cross the odd one out small, sharp, short, big; Long, leg, Leaves, Legs, teet...
Cross the odd one out small, sharp, short, big, Long, leg, Leaves, Legs, teeth, feet, head, hands, arms, Live, have, eat, was, swim, run, Teeth, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, neck, tail, Was, lived, could, ate, ran, swam, have, snakes, lizards, meat,
Big=huge / small long/ short ears mouth nose toes teeth head eyes body tail n...
Big=huge / small long/ short ears mouth nose toes teeth head eyes body tail neck legs arms fingers * Ears, mouth, nose, tail, neck, toes, teeth, head, arms, fingers, head, eyes, body. sharp teeth
big=huge/ long /short small It’s…. It lived….....years ago. It had a…, …s, an...
big=huge/ long /short small It’s…. It lived….....years ago. It had a…, …s, and…. It could…,….. and…. It couldn’t … . It ate ….. . ears mouth nose toes teeth head eyes body tail neck legs arms fingers Pterodactyl Diplodocus Compsognathusm Troodon
Stegosaurus Spinosaurus Pterodactyl Diplodocus Troodon T-rex Plesiosaurus
Stegosaurus Spinosaurus Pterodactyl Diplodocus Troodon T-rex Plesiosaurus

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