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  • Презентация по английскому языку на тему Разные страны - разные пейзажи (10 класс)

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Разные страны - разные пейзажи (10 класс)

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UNIT 1: “How different the world is!” Section 1: “Different landscapes – dif...
UNIT 1: “How different the world is!” Section 1: “Different landscapes – different countries”
Translate into English: Огромная пустыня - huge desert Плоская равнина - flat...
Translate into English: Огромная пустыня - huge desert Плоская равнина - flat plain Высокий холм - high hill Густой лес - heavy forest Уникальный остров - unique island Обширный океан - vast ocean Высокая горная цепь - high mountain range Обширные ровные степи (прерии) - vast, flat prairie Глубокий каньон - deep canyon
Благодаря этой рекламе сайт может продолжать свое существование, спасибо за просмотр.
What landscape can you see in this photo? a flat plain
What landscape can you see in this photo? a flat plain
What landscape can you see in this photo? high hill heavy forest
What landscape can you see in this photo? high hill heavy forest
What landscape can you see in this photo? mountain range
What landscape can you see in this photo? mountain range
What landscape can you see in this photo? vast ocean
What landscape can you see in this photo? vast ocean
What landscape can you see in this photo? vast, flat prairie
What landscape can you see in this photo? vast, flat prairie
What landscape can you see in this photo? a huge desert
What landscape can you see in this photo? a huge desert
What landscape can you see in this photo? heavy forest wood
What landscape can you see in this photo? heavy forest wood
What landscape can you see in this photo? unique island
What landscape can you see in this photo? unique island
[t] - coast, vast, flat, mountain, country, Great Britain, variety [d] - dese...
[t] - coast, vast, flat, mountain, country, Great Britain, variety [d] - desert, land, island, landscapes, deep, drought [r] - forest, river, prairie, range, variety, country, Great Britain [w] - wood, world, wash, warm
Agree or disagree: Great deserts are typical of Britain. Dry climate is typic...
Agree or disagree: Great deserts are typical of Britain. Dry climate is typical of Australia. Huge forests are typical of Australia. Prairie lands are typical of the USA. Heavy rainfall is typical of Britain. Mountainous territories are typical of Britain. Deep canyons are typical of the USA. Severe droughts are typical of Britain. Vast plains are typical of Australia.
What is typical of each country? What is typical of the USA?	What is typical...
What is typical of each country? What is typical of the USA? What is typical of the UK? What is typical of Australia? 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.
What is typical of each country? What is typical of the USA?	What is typical...
What is typical of each country? What is typical of the USA? What is typical of the UK? What is typical of Australia? deep canyons 2. vast, flat prairies 3. heavy forests and woods 4. high mountain ranges flat plains and hills 2. steady rainfalls 3. mild climate 4. mountainous areas great deserts 2. severe droughts 3. floods and cyclones 4. small population
Make the English equivalents: Обширные пустыни типичны для Австралии. Vast de...
Make the English equivalents: Обширные пустыни типичны для Австралии. Vast deserts are typical of Australia. Мягкий климат и постоянные дожди типичны для Великобритании A mild climate and steady rainfalls are typical of Great Britain Глубокие каньоны и обширные ровные степи типичны для Америки. Deep canyons and vast flat prairies are typical of America Сильные засухи и наводнения типичны для Австралии Severe droughts and floods are typical of Australia.
Lexical dictation. Пустыня – Равнина – Густой – Остров – Обширный – Степь – К...
Lexical dictation. Пустыня – Равнина – Густой – Остров – Обширный – Степь – Каньон – Холм – Huge – Flat – High – Forest – Unique – Ocean – Mountain range – Deep -
Articles with geographical names: Нулевой артикль Континенты Города Отдельные...
Articles with geographical names: Нулевой артикль Континенты Города Отдельные горные вершины Острова Озера Большинство стран The Горные цепи Группы островов Группы озёр Реки, каналы, заливы, проливы Пустыни Океаны, моря Регионы Некоторые страны
Test: Put “the” where it is necessary. Africa Black Sea Urals Everest Britain...
Test: Put “the” where it is necessary. Africa Black Sea Urals Everest Britain Volga Indian Ocean Orkney Islands London Great Sandy Desert Bass Strait Canada Gulf of California Mississippi United Kingdom North Sea
Russia is a huge country with a great variety of landscapes. What is typical...
Russia is a huge country with a great variety of landscapes. What is typical of Russia? 1. Huge size 2. A land of long rivers and large lakes 3. Flat relief, located on two plains: the Great Russian Plain and the Western Siberian Plain 4. Heavy forests 5. Harsh (суровый) climate
What landscape is typical of your region? vast, flat prairies heavy forests a...
What landscape is typical of your region? vast, flat prairies heavy forests and woods high hills a lot of lakes and small rivers
Which facts from the life of the English-speaking countries can be applied to...
Which facts from the life of the English-speaking countries can be applied to RUSSIA? Russia is washed by the ocean. People live within some time zones. Russia is a land of physical contrasts. Practically every climate in the world is represented in Russia. The southern parts of the country have warm temperatures year round, but the northern parts of the country have very cold winters. The land varies from heavy forests to high mountains.

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