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  • Презентация по английскому языку по теме В стране туманного Альбиона

Презентация по английскому языку по теме В стране туманного Альбиона

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«Я берег покидал туманный Альбиона, Божественная высь! – Божественная грусть!...
«Я берег покидал туманный Альбиона, Божественная высь! – Божественная грусть! Я вижу тусклых вод взволнованное лоно И тусклый небосвод, знакомый наизусть.» Марина Цветаева
In the country of foggy Albion
In the country of foggy Albion
The 1st question The British flag is often called the stars and stripes the U...
The 1st question The British flag is often called the stars and stripes the Union Jack the Marple Leaf
The highest mountain in the UK is… Mount Blanc Ben Nevis Mount McKinley
The highest mountain in the UK is… Mount Blanc Ben Nevis Mount McKinley
The word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain, means Grey Romantic white
The word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain, means Grey Romantic white
The kilt is… a shirt a skirt a pair of trousers
The kilt is… a shirt a skirt a pair of trousers
The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from… Wales Ireland Scotland
The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from… Wales Ireland Scotland
Stonehenge is about… years old 40 400 4000
Stonehenge is about… years old 40 400 4000
British kings and queens are crowned at… St Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Abbe...
British kings and queens are crowned at… St Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Abbey Buckingham Palace
The London Underground is often called the box the channel the tube
The London Underground is often called the box the channel the tube
The Tower of London was started by… Julius Caesar William the Conqueror Henry...
The Tower of London was started by… Julius Caesar William the Conqueror Henry VIII
The Beetles started their career in… London Liverpool Birmingham
The Beetles started their career in… London Liverpool Birmingham
The famous Globe Theatre where Shakespeare staged his plays situated in… Lond...
The famous Globe Theatre where Shakespeare staged his plays situated in… London Stratford-upon-Avon Glasgow
Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen, has a title of… Prince o...
Prince Charles, the eldest son of the British Queen, has a title of… Prince of Scotland Prince of Wales Prince of England
King Henry VIII had… wives 4 6 8
King Henry VIII had… wives 4 6 8
Real English football is called cricket rugby soccer
Real English football is called cricket rugby soccer
The oldest university of GB is… Oxford Cambridge Eton
The oldest university of GB is… Oxford Cambridge Eton
The Speaker’s corner is situated in Regent Park Hyde Park Kensington Garden
The Speaker’s corner is situated in Regent Park Hyde Park Kensington Garden
Queen Elizabeth II has got 4 children 3 children 2 children
Queen Elizabeth II has got 4 children 3 children 2 children
What are these: “The Guardian”, “The News of the World” “The Independent” ? T...
What are these: “The Guardian”, “The News of the World” “The Independent” ? TV programmes newspapers magazines
What is the full name of Elizabeth II?
What is the full name of Elizabeth II?
In what fairy-tale was a cat and its smile?
In what fairy-tale was a cat and its smile?
Now, one of the members of each team should recite a poem, which was learnt b...
Now, one of the members of each team should recite a poem, which was learnt by heart. (Представители каждой из команд читают по очереди стихотворение на английском языке (домашнее задание)). Высший балл – (3) (произношение, выражение, правильность)
What is the name of the Prime Minister of the UK?
What is the name of the Prime Minister of the UK?
Grammar task Translate from R → E using Conditional II or III Если бы ученики...
Grammar task Translate from R → E using Conditional II or III Если бы ученики школы № 21 не бросали бы мусор на пол, не толкали бы его в парты, не писали бы на столах, то школа была бы очень чистой. Если бы все ученики школы № 21 прилагали бы все усилия в учебе (to do one’s best), то школа была бы одной из лучших в городе. Если бы люди не загрязняли реки и моря, воздух, не вырубали бы леса, не бросали отходы, то какой прекрасной была бы Земля.
Match to the English proverbs and sayings their Russian equivalents.
Match to the English proverbs and sayings their Russian equivalents.
The task is to make as many words from the given ones as you can.
The task is to make as many words from the given ones as you can.
Listen to the anthems (гимны) and choose which is the anthem of the UK.
Listen to the anthems (гимны) and choose which is the anthem of the UK.
“Musical surprise” (каждая команда показывает (исполняет) музыкальный сюрприз...
“Musical surprise” (каждая команда показывает (исполняет) музыкальный сюрприз, приготовленный заранее). (Жюри оценивает по 3-х бальной системе).
«A language is not a subject which can be taught; it is a subject which must...
«A language is not a subject which can be taught, it is a subject which must be learnt» M.West

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